Time to brew as many beers as possible and carpet bomb the competition,then I'm bound to win something.lol![]()
I am not entering so you guys stand a better chance :lol: Truth is I dont have any beers ready that I think are worthy of best of show.So no point. Any mug can carpet bomb. <_<
17. To be eligible for champion brewer, a brewer must enter a minimum of three beers. The champion brewer medal will be awarded to the brewer with the highest average score over their three top scoring beers.
AABC Rules:
D10. Champion Brewer and Champion State. The sum of category placing points is to be
used for deciding Champion Brewer and Champion State. Category placing points are 3
points for first place, 2 points for second place, and 1 point for third place. If there is a tie for
first place, then the sum of points normally available for first and second places (3 + 2 = 5
points) will be split equally between the two winners (i.e. 2 points each), and the third
placegetter will receive 1 point. If there is a tie for second place, then the points normally
available for second and third places (2 + 1 = 3 points) will be split equally between the two
second placegetters (i.e. 1 points each). If there is a tie (in the number of placing points) for
Champion Brewer or Champion State then the sum of the placing points times the judging
points will be used to decide the winners. For example, a win (3 placing points) for a beer
receiving 130 judging points and a third place (1 placing point) for a beer receiving 110
judging points would have a total of 500 points. If there is still a tie, then joint winners will be
ROFL.Call it what you want. I call it competing. People who choose not to compete because they won't win should forfeit all right to comment.
So I have an Amber Ale I made (not with the intention of entering it), that I'd now like to enter, but there's no category for it!! I can't really find anything that it fits..I was thinking American Brown, but I'm not sure that it's "big" enough for it...Anyone else have a similar dilemma, or have any hints on what it should go in as??
Put it in "other specialty" and describe it as "Amber Ale" and any further descriptors if appropriate (ie American)
I was hoping you weren't going to say that, because I have another one to enter as "other"![]()
Is it against the rules (or spirit) of the comp to enter a beer that isnt your own recipe?
The reason is I would love to get feedback/constructive criticism to see how my AGs are going, mainly to see if my technique needs refining, any off flavours I'm not picking up on, or other things a fresh/more educated palate might be able to pick up on. Only problem is I only have three beers at the moment, one was an experiment with last runnings beefed up with malt extract and tastes pretty bad, the other is a stout (the beer I want feedback on) and an IPA (of which there is only one bottle left) so this leaves me short of the three beers needed to enter, or do you only need three beers to be eligable for a trophy?
Is it against the rules (or spirit) of the comp to enter a beer that isnt your own recipe?
NopeIs it against the rules (or spirit) of the comp to enter a beer that isnt your own recipe?
From memory, your top three scores count towards the champion brewer award. You can enter a single beer if you like.Only problem is I only have three beers at the moment, one was an experiment with last runnings beefed up with malt extract and tastes pretty bad, the other is a stout (the beer I want feedback on) and an IPA (of which there is only one bottle left) so this leaves me short of the three beers needed to enter, or do you only need three beers to be eligable for a trophy?
What happened to the "strategy of winning every thing" , Ah sorry I meant carpet bombing ? That's more of a door mat attempt. :lol:I took my three beers to Neils yesturday.My Pilsner and brown ale might be a bit young but we'll see how I go.