2010 Adelaide, Mildura & Whyalla Case Swap Tasting Thread

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Port dock. I heartily recommend Brewboys if they're open.
Earl of Leicester has some good beers & does an awesome schnitty.

What days are you in town? I can see a visit to the Wheaty next week in my crystal ball.
Groucho's ESB

Creamy mouthfeel once warmed slightly. Thin to medium head, long lasting. Nice deep amber to brown in colour.

Medium carbonation and slight bready aroma.

When sampling cold straight from the fridge I got some astringency with bitterness hit straight off the bat, but once it warmed slightly, the bitterness mellows nicely.

Medium body and an easy drinker at a slightly warmer temp imo. No off flavours detectable in my bottle either. A pretty well made brew imo.
Goo's ESB

Had this last night, did the BJCP thing on it having let it warm from the fridge. Bloody nice beer, scored it a 41 (thought I should do the blind tasting seeing I missed the last couple of BJCP sessions and I knew Smurto had given it a 40 already)

Good malt flavour and aroma, hints of caramel and toffee, some nice floral hop, stone fruit esters and earthiness to it. good secondary malt flavours with nutty biscuity notes giving it good depth. For those looking for an alternative to 1469, 1187 is it, I was thinking it was 1469 and I've used 1187 a bit.

firm bitterness well supported by malt, dry finish, Really well balanced beer. easy drinking

As I say a 41 but you could improve the beer. The late hopping needed a touch more to get more aroma and a touch more flavour. not much prob 0.25 -0.5g/l extra as for me the aroma was more ester than hop but well balanced. that sort of increase wouldn't throw it out of balance IMHO and push the beer into 45+ range.

I do have to do another ESB at some stage and this could be it.

Two to go - Grouchos ESB and the Belgian. I've held off on the Belg to let it come together, aged is best :) Looking forward to it though. What was the yeast on the Belg?
From tastings last night with legham so from memory

Awesome Fury's Chilli Amber

Poured nice amber, fairly clear small head. Not much hop aroma or in the flavour - malt forward beer. Very hard to pick up the chili - if I didn't know it was in there I don't think I would pick it up but could detect a tiny tingle in the there. Body was a little thin - low-med carbonation.

Unidentified beer

This bottle had a cap that had an indiscernible pattern on it - looked like a big bold E with other scribbles in between ??? Had a look at the swap list and the only I though it could be was BenSA's but wasn't sure if he swapped.

Poured with high carbonation, big head that lasted till the end. Colour was amber - a bit dark for an APA - maybe a bit light for an Am Amber ale. Citrus hops and caramel malt on the nose. Very well balanced throughout between the hops and malt - very bold and strong flavours. I might have picked up either a little oxidation or winey ferment flavours or maybe nels sauv hops? Overall a very good beer - hard to pin down what it was exactly - I malt heavy APA or a strongish Amercian Ale (ala Dead Guy).
Wasn't an experimentale was it hatchy?

That's the 1st thing I thought from reading the previous thread. E1 written in little Matty bottletop graffiti writing? How did that end up with yr swap beers? Little Matty is great to have round to help bottle, just don't let him near a texta.
That's the 1st thing I thought from reading the previous thread. E1 written in little Matty bottletop graffiti writing? How did that end up with yr swap beers? Little Matty is great to have round to help bottle, just don't let him near a texta.

I meant to keep the bottle cap and take a photo of it to post here.

Not to sure how I ended up with it.
I'm pretty sure I gave you some of them, I've kept my swap beers separate from any other beers to avoid mixing any of mine up. I'd better go drink the ones that are in the fridge to avoid confusion.
I have a feeling I may have put it in the case when I drove back to Whyalla, oops.

Mystery solved. Was it the columbus?
Yep, brewed at Phil's place, 1st beer brewed on my gear following the time honoured tradition of making up the recipe as I go along. Does that mean I have to come up with another 16 of them now that it's been written up here?
Yep, brewed at Phil's place, 1st beer brewed on my gear following the time honoured tradition of making up the recipe as I go along. Does that mean I have to come up with another 16 of them now that it's been written up here?

I believe so...
Goofinder's (I think) ESB wild elephant #16. When I 1st poured this I had some hope that I wasn't the only person currently having clarity problems, then I got it in some decent light so now I'm back on my own in the land of murky beer. The 1st smell I had I didn't get anything but the 2nd & subsequent smells really remind me of a beer I've had before, I'm buggered if I know what it reminds me of but the flavour is there as well as the aroma. 1st pour it seemed slightly overcarbed but I'm pretty sure it was my pouring that was at fault there. I love the label, Phil & Butters would be impressed with the format of the recipe.
Goofinder's (I think) ESB wild elephant #16. When I 1st poured this I had some hope that I wasn't the only person currently having clarity problems, then I got it in some decent light so now I'm back on my own in the land of murky beer. The 1st smell I had I didn't get anything but the 2nd & subsequent smells really remind me of a beer I've had before, I'm buggered if I know what it reminds me of but the flavour is there as well as the aroma. 1st pour it seemed slightly overcarbed but I'm pretty sure it was my pouring that was at fault there. I love the label, Phil & Butters would be impressed with the format of the recipe.
Yeah that's mine. Could be a bit overcarbonated, but I haven't had a bottle for a couple of weeks to see how it is going now.

Hopefully it's some kind of ESB that it reminded you of :p
Yeah that's mine. Could be a bit overcarbonated, but I haven't had a bottle for a couple of weeks to see how it is going now.

Hopefully it's some kind of ESB that it reminded you of :p

reminded me of a version Smurto's Landlord...

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