2009 Qld Xmas Case Swap

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To be honest, I just do it to inflate your excitement, then steal your thunder by taking the '000th post.
I hate to go back on topic.. . . . . .. ...what was the topic??? :blink:

Someone offered to bring along another BBQ... I think we are gunna need one...
Who was it and can you still bring it???

Brucie that was me. BBQ and gas are all sorted. I'll bring some cooking implements too.

Cheers - Snow.
Just beware of Stu's cream filled rolls. Who could blame him? Theres nothing like the feeling of warm, gooey dough... Penetrated slowly by... a big... thick... cream dispenser.
Dude, just how much bleedin bread will you be baking?

Or is it for something else?
On topic:

15 people get together for a case swap and each brings a case of 15 bottles which are split up, rearranged and they end up with 15 cases, each containing 15 different beers. Each brewer then takes home a case.

However each brewer, in his mixed case, will end up with a bottle of his own brew back which he already knows all about.

Therefore: Surely each brewer should then only bring 14 bottles which are then split up into 15 cases, but of course each case will now only hold 14 bottles of the other poeple's brews but not your own. Thus each case is subtly different to the other cases.

Is this how the swap works, or do we end up getting a bottle of our own back again as part of the mixed case to avoid too much frigging around on the day?
On topic:

15 people get together for a case swap and each brings a case of 15 bottles which are split up, rearranged and they end up with 15 cases, each containing 15 different beers. Each brewer then takes home a case.

However each brewer, in his mixed case, will end up with a bottle of his own brew back which he already knows all about.

Therefore: Surely each brewer should then only bring 14 bottles which are then split up into 15 cases, but of course each case will now only hold 14 bottles of the other poeple's brews but not your own. Thus each case is subtly different to the other cases.

Is this how the swap works, or do we end up getting a bottle of our own back again as part of the mixed case to avoid too much frigging around on the day?

Looks like there is 19 swappers Michael, so you only need to bring 18 of your beers.

