Update on my hop forest..... jaysus these things can take over a garden.
Chinook cones...
Yes, I think it is. I swapped you for a hallertau variety. I can't believe how well it has grown to be quite honest. Thanks again.Hey Darkman,
Is that the Hersbrucker that I sent you ? Mine Started long after all my other varieties but has come through with flying colours . I took A 2L jug out the other night and filled it and then some . You can't tell that I took any. Still have lots of cones that are not ready and heaps of little flowers coming through.
Other 4 plants are slowly following .
I gave a Hersbrucker to wonder woman but I think hers was struggling last I heard. Glad to hear yours is doing OK. The Hallertau is coming along nicely.
Mitternacht Brauer ( AKA buster )
Doc, correct me if I'm wrong but you don't seem to be growing them 'high' yet you are getting a good harvent. Is that right?
Seems like evidence that short and bushy isn't an issue.
As for the spider mites, well they are tough to kill in any crop. Why not try ordering a bio-control agent. I am pretty sure 'Bugs for Bugs' sells predatory mites www.bugsforbugs.com.au they would do a dynamite job. The is also a species of ladybird that eats mites, they may see that one too.
Harvested the 1st lot today.
There are still more on the vine which are not ready yet and still some flowers which havent turned into full cones yet.
My biggest problem is that I cant remember what type they are.
I think that they are Chinook, but they could be colombus?
Thats just over 300G (wet)
View attachment 35183
Top tip...next year I think.
I've had spider mite infestations knock off each and every regrowth that has come through. I've had two flowering periods so far of most of my hops including the first years (bar two) and on each occasion a spider mite infestation has done the plant in, despite a number of attempts to control them...Its the hops in the hot dry areas that are worst effected, and until the infestations they weren't stressed plants; strong growth and flowers.
All are on the regrowth path now, and strongly too. May even get a late crop if I can control the mites <_<
Just looking back at your photo, I think they look like Chinook cones - my Columbus cones are all closed balls (opening slightly when dried), while the Chinook flowers seem much more open (as the ones in your photo).Bagged them up last night with my new vacuunm sealer (works a treat).
The 300g wet, ended up 70g once dried.
I would have to plant out my whole section in hops to come anywhere near self sufficient.
Fly sprayh34r:
Fly sprayh34r:
:icon_offtopic:it can't be as bad as those new insect control systems that are just wall units that constantly inject insecticide into your living space.
Just looking back at your photo, I think they look like Chinook cones - my Columbus cones are all closed balls (opening slightly when dried), while the Chinook flowers seem much more open (as the ones in your photo).
They both have a similar pungent aroma - can't wait to crank out an APA.
So far I've harvested 40gm (dry - woohoo!), and some much bigger cones now on the way, probably thanks to the Seasol/PowerFeed treatment over the last month.