23. Homebrewworld USA PALE ALE
Just back from two weeks where my only beer choices were T.New and 4X
so I needed an APA. After reading above I thought I should get this one in the fridge.
Poured with a largish head B) into a pint glass and a 2L water jug and a middie glass and had pretty good clarity once settled. Nice aroma of US hops. Low carb, medium body with nice flavour hops. Finish as mentioned above is very citrusy, almost sharp. Malt flavours emerge as it warms. Would have liked to try this with proper carb. Thanks HBW.
Just back from two weeks where my only beer choices were T.New and 4X
Poured with a largish head B) into a pint glass and a 2L water jug and a middie glass and had pretty good clarity once settled. Nice aroma of US hops. Low carb, medium body with nice flavour hops. Finish as mentioned above is very citrusy, almost sharp. Malt flavours emerge as it warms. Would have liked to try this with proper carb. Thanks HBW.