Brew: 11. Crozdog - NDBrewing Amarillo Ale FWK
Date: 2/2/09
Beer info: Brown 750ml VB bottle, gold cap "11", US05, Bottled 25/11
Technically this is my first beer of the New Year, (yesterday morning doesn't count!) so forgive me if my expectations are a bit high!
Sampling notes:
Served chilled in glass.
Reasonably pop, pours a big old wad of white foam which eventually dies down into a persistant managable two fingers worth. Body is orangey gold, quite clean.
Big smack in the nose with the distinct grassiness of Amarillo hops, along with a bit of the citrus, pineapple, passionfruit, etc, that one would associate with this hop...its quite nice on the nose you'd have to say. A hint of an underlying grainy malt body, possibly some caramel about it, though that could also be a bit of diacetyl, maybe both, not prominant anyway.
Body is reasonably full, lively carbonation, slightly sticky malt texture, gets a bit heavy to if I gulp down too much. Some resiny bitterness manifests itself early on, without being all too brutal.
Quite a good balance on the body; upfront maltiness with a bit of biscuit and caramel character about it, hops weave their way through, freshly mown grass more than anything else, some pine-like woodiness and citrus rind. Finish has a good bitter hit, lingering dryness, maybe the slightest hint of diacetyl once again, but i'm quite pleased.
I'm afraid, can't exactly commend you on brewing the beer, Crozdog. But I can always compliment you on a fine selection of a FWK and yeast, and applaud your fine fermentation work.
