2008 Nsw Xmas Case Swap - Tasting Notes

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I plan on drinking the Smug Bastard tomorrow, alongside a commercial beer in the same style (you know which one I mean).
As the commercial label says: "Drink it young to test your mettle". I'll take that challenge! :chug:
Brew: 17. Loftboy - Cream Ale.
Date: 30/12/08
Beer info: Brown 750ml crownseal, gold cap "17", 4.7% ABV, US05. Bottled 23/11/08

Sampling notes:
Served chilled in glass.
Small pop. Pale straw body, quite good clarity, with a nice thick creamy white cap on top, clinging for dear life on the trip down.
Cereal maltiness on the nose, slightly biscuity and vanilla-like. Faint floral hop and a sourdough quality about it.
Body is quite lean with moderate carbonation and fluffy, almost wheat-beer
like creaminess adding a bit of oompf and subtle acidity.
I'd describe the body as having quite a complex malt character, but not in the traditional sense. Somewhat more subtle with notes of rice, savoury cracker biscuit, unflavoured popcorn, bran cereal, raw noodles; yes, I know it sounds a bit odd, but tasty in a simple way. Finishes with a yeasty bread note, floral hops make an appearence with warmth, bitterness is reasonably low, pretty clean overall.
At the end of the day I'm really not to sure what a cream ale exactly is, no commercial examples come to mind at least. Needless to say I really enjoyed this and could easily see myself drinking pint after pint of this down at the local...this coming from a guy who generally goes for the strongest, darkest stuff they've got... Nice work Loftboy!
Brew: 22. Beer Slayer Wheat Beer
Date: 30/12/08
Beer info: Brown 750ml twisttop, gold cap "22"

Sampling notes:
Served chilled in glass.
Small pop upon opening. Pours clean golden with a small head of thickish white foam.
Typical weizen sort of nose, unripe banana and clove, some leafiness in there too, not sure where that comes from.
Nice creamy carbonation, body is towards the thin side, plenty of wheaty dryness with slight acid bite.
Plenty of clove spice on the body, fused with more unripe banana, tropical fruit and sweet malt. Leafy note lingers on the finish, moderate bitterness and dryness in the mix.
A nice drinkable flavoursome beer, though there seems to be something about it thats holding it back from being in the leagues of a full-blown hefeweizen. Cheers Beer Slayer.
Brew: 25. PoMo - Summer Blonde
Date: 30/12/08
Beer info: Brown 750ml Coopers bottle, gold cap "25", Bottled 5/12

Sampling notes:
Served chilled in glass.
Dishes up a pale gold with decent clarity after a quiet sort of uncapping. Head is quite big and fluffy, leaving clumpy lace.
Nose is hoppy in a distinct tropical/vinous fruit way that screams NZ hops. Citrus and pine take a backseat to melon, passionfruit, herbaceous leaves and gooseberry. Malt backbone seems minimal.
Carbonation is reasonably high, body is quite full with plenty of length from aggressive hops from the word go.
Hops are upfront and personal, a big smack in the face with lemon/lime, unripe melon, passionfruit and pineapple amongst the fruit sald in the works. A hint of grainy, biscuity malt makes a presence before a drawn out, well-bittered finish, with lingering herb and citrus character that yells out "Drink me!" over and over...how can I refuse.
Yummo! What a nice summer quaffer! Plenty of hop character to keep the palate racing. Really enjoyed it, cheers PoMo!
4. Fatgodzilla .. 4th go - American Brown Wheat Beer

Nice copper colour, persistent thin head, good carbonation. Sweet, malty, roasty, caramel and a little hop flavours. Interesting beer and well made Fatz.
6. monkeybusiness - Simple Lager

Pale and clear. Noble hop aroma. Small short lasting head. Medium carb. Clean flavour. Lots of noble hops. Body fairly thin. Nice bitterness. Very easy drinking - could spend a good session on this beer.

Brew: 28. Les - Dampfbier

Bit of a gusher, poured a full glass of foam initially (pot calling the kettle black I know :) ) . Poured the rest into a jug and let it settle.

Appearance: Settled to a thick off white head that persisted well, cloudy in appearance due to the yeast getting disturbed when it gushed.

Aroma: Delicious Weizen aroma, by smell alone you'd swear it was a Hefe. Picked up clove notes but not any banana.

Taste: Wow...Like a weizen but at the same time not. Initially Weizen like flavours with some definate banana but as you drink it the maltiness from the grain bill shines thru. There was something tangy in the background I couldn't put my finger on either

Overall: Excellent beer, I could drink alot more of these :chug: . Will definately be adding this style to my list of styles to brew. Have you posted the recipe ?
6. monkeybusiness - Simple Lager

Pale and clear. Noble hop aroma. Small short lasting head. Medium carb. Clean flavour. Lots of noble hops. Body fairly thin. Nice bitterness. Very easy drinking - could spend a good session on this beer.


Just popped open the same beer. Agree with everything Cortez has said. Definitely a good beer to have opened on such a hot day... :chug:
Brew: 28. Les - Dampfbier

Bit of a gusher, poured a full glass of foam initially (pot calling the kettle black I know :) ) . Poured the rest into a jug and let it settle.

Appearance: Settled to a thick off white head that persisted well, cloudy in appearance due to the yeast getting disturbed when it gushed.

Aroma: Delicious Weizen aroma, by smell alone you'd swear it was a Hefe. Picked up clove notes but not any banana.

Taste: Wow...Like a weizen but at the same time not. Initially Weizen like flavours with some definate banana but as you drink it the maltiness from the grain bill shines thru. There was something tangy in the background I couldn't put my finger on either

Overall: Excellent beer, I could drink alot more of these :chug: . Will definately be adding this style to my list of styles to brew. Have you posted the recipe ?
Yeah, a nice style, of which I have only brewed one example. Apologies for the tight time frame on this beer causing the foam-tastic-ness. With more lad-time this would have been a real ripper. I wish I had enough PET bottles to send to the swap. Then you could have all bled off the excess gas and enjoyed the beer to it's full capacity.

Recipe here

Weird beer, with a great result.
10. Cortez The Killer - Smug Bastard
My last beer of 2008 and first of 2009. Stone brewing recommend that you should drink this beer young to test your mettle. I'm up for that. Was planning to taste alongside a genuine ABA, but my fellow taster didn't show. He has one more chance to show, or I'm on it, solo.
Up front this beer has Chinook up the wazoo, as expected and required.
I just drank a glass of water from the pint glass (SNPA phat) I poured this beer into. I got an odd flavour that persisted for a few sips, so I grabbed my Stone Arrogant BA glass, sniffed it, was clean, put about 100ml water in it and drank it before pouring the bottles remains (which filled the glass). I still get an oily BBQ chops aroma and flavour up front in the beer. This is above and beyond any Chinook aroma, which would have been overpowering when young.
The malt is in the background, and the biscuity maltiness imposes itself more as the beer warms.
This is not a malt-accented beer though, and the Chinook flavour, aroma and bitterness (*Ooh the bitterness!) are the primary instruments of torture in this beer.
Overall, a 7/10, with a bite factor of 9. from the website "This is an aggressive beer. You probably won't like it".

If "You're not worthy" AHBers, who is?

Thanks Les

I had my second taste test yesterday. But the long drive to Singleton up the putty didn't do the beer any favours and I got alot of yeast in suspension even with the beer in the fridge for 1.5 days.

I got the bbq aroma flavour in this beer too, not sure where it comes from as it wasn't there earlier, sort of reminded me of a rauchbier. I got a tonne of caramel aroma/flavours previously. I did run 2 elements in the kettle on this batch for a little while, so not sure if it scorched, but have not noticed the bbq aroma in another other batch i've done to date with the elements.

Will need to get back to the gong to try another.

11. Crozdog - NDBrewing Amarillo Ale FWK

Hazy amber appearence. Some sweet fruit in aroma, along with some grain/malty smells? Don't get the typical amarillo passion fruit. Fruity hop flavour. Very clean. Medium body. Pretty well balanced - fairly sweet upfront with a lingering bitterness - medium body. Interesting malt character. Good tasty easy drinking APA.

I've had a fair few of the case swap beers over the xmas/new years festivites and while I wanted to make detailed notes the time just hasn't been there. So I'll just raise my glass to a couple that I've really enjoyed so far that have stuck in my head.

10. Cortez The Killer - Smug Bastard
Had this one this last night for new years. Memories are hazy now but a great full bodied ale.

19. Gulpa - IPA
I've not had much exosure to IPA's but this one was great and has inspired me to add an IPA to my immediate brew schedule

9. Grantw - Belgian Blonde Ale
Very tasty beer great belgian flavours. Must say I'm becoming partial to these.

13. Kabooby - Strong Belgian Ale
Had this at new years after coretz's american strong ale and by the end of these two beers I was getting pretty social. This Belgian strong was packed with flavour and I thought it was outstanding.

1. Josh's Witbier
As others have said an excellent wit. The lemon was distinct but I didn't really find it overpowering. Really nice blend of spice with the slight tartness of the lemon. Thoroughly refreshing.

I've still quite a few more to get through but so far the beers have been top notch. Part of the reason for lack of notes (besides somewhat inadequate tastebuds) is that I've been getting family and friends to try these beers also (sips only, I don't share well ;) ) and the natives have been quite impressed with the quality of the "homebrew :)
Had a few case swap beers at NYE. Chosen at random by the Mrs when I sms'd a request to chill some from work. I also have a bit of a cold atm, so my palate and sense of smell are a bit off.

16. Muggus - Wedding Weekend Weizenbock
I know you said it could do with some age, but the Mrs put it in the fridge, so I drank it :) I didn't manage to rouse any yeast with my ginger pour, so I drank it crystal. Very nice copper brown colour. Restrained esters (or my cold) on the nose and a little phenol and munich malt. At first, it hides the alcohol well, but as it warms, it comes across in the aroma and a warm sensation on the tongue. Nice malt hit, well balanced with bitterness, maybe a touch too bitter, maybe a touch too clean (or again, my cold). Enjoyed this with smoked oyster hors d'oeuvres.

21. Barls- raspberry wheat beer
Very distinctive sulphury aroma on this. I thought it might be infected at first, but once it was swirled in the jug until some of the CO2 (and sulphur) was blown off, it smelt a bit better, of esters and phenols and of course of the fruit. The pink colour was interesting. The flavour was dry and tart and raspberryish. Not much malt character or bitterness perceptible after the fruit character. I'm not normally a fan of fruity beers (breakfast mango weizen excepted) but enjoyed this one after garlic prawn pizza. Cheers Barls.

27. Matt n AJ - Chokesy Brown - Northern English Brown Ale
High carbonation. Didn't gush out of the bottle, but I was expecting something much flatter. Once the big moussey head died off in the jug with some swirling, I poured a glass and got another moussey head in the glass. Once this died off with some more swirling, I could get to the beer. Interesting crystal and chocolate malt notes balanced against a middling bitterness and a hint of yeasty esters. Not bad, but a little high in crystal for my liking. Went well with the cheese platter.
Brew: 11. Crozdog - NDBrewing Amarillo Ale FWK
Date: 2/2/09
Beer info: Brown 750ml VB bottle, gold cap "11", US05, Bottled 25/11

Technically this is my first beer of the New Year, (yesterday morning doesn't count!) so forgive me if my expectations are a bit high! :p

Sampling notes:
Served chilled in glass.
Reasonably pop, pours a big old wad of white foam which eventually dies down into a persistant managable two fingers worth. Body is orangey gold, quite clean.
Big smack in the nose with the distinct grassiness of Amarillo hops, along with a bit of the citrus, pineapple, passionfruit, etc, that one would associate with this hop...its quite nice on the nose you'd have to say. A hint of an underlying grainy malt body, possibly some caramel about it, though that could also be a bit of diacetyl, maybe both, not prominant anyway.
Body is reasonably full, lively carbonation, slightly sticky malt texture, gets a bit heavy to if I gulp down too much. Some resiny bitterness manifests itself early on, without being all too brutal.
Quite a good balance on the body; upfront maltiness with a bit of biscuit and caramel character about it, hops weave their way through, freshly mown grass more than anything else, some pine-like woodiness and citrus rind. Finish has a good bitter hit, lingering dryness, maybe the slightest hint of diacetyl once again, but i'm quite pleased.
I'm afraid, can't exactly commend you on brewing the beer, Crozdog. But I can always compliment you on a fine selection of a FWK and yeast, and applaud your fine fermentation work. :)
Brew: 10. Cortez The Killer - Smug Bastard - American Strong Ale
Date: 2/2/09
Beer info: Brown 750ml screwtop, gold cap "10",7.2% - Bottled 24/11

Sampling notes:
Served slightly chilled in glass.
Pours a sizeable rocky-offwhite head after a good solid pop. Amber body with hazy sort of clarity and fine beading.
Interesting nose, very different from anything i've come across; big earthiness about it, cedar/pine-like hops, orange sherbert, tobacco leafiness mollasses and dark brown sugar, notes of dried fruit and sherry-like undertones. Very complex, alcohol somewhat hidden amongst it all.
Medium carbonation, rich mouthfeel, verging on being liqueur-like yet balanced with a tremendous, somehow smooth bitterness that assaults the palate throughout.
Much of the same from the nose on the body; burnt toffee malt body, notes of raisin and plum, bitter orange and grapefruit rind, big woody and leafy hops, hint of cinnamon and spice. Really hard to narrow down the flavours cause there's just so much going on, particularly with the distraction of a massive bitterness linger way past the finish.
Like I mentioned earlier, this beer is like nothing i've ever come across. Rich, hoppy, bitter, and very complex, especially as it warms. (why do I taste caramel dipped bananas!?) Be a good one to put away for a couple of years.
Thanks alot Cortez for the experience!
Had a few beers and haven't had a dud one yet. Excuse the poor notes but the following beers were great

1.Josh's Belgium Wit - lovely. Just lovely.
5..Nifty's EPA - upset there was only one bottle of this in the swap. Your usual high standard Nifty !
7. DS' dunkelweisen - discussed previously - good brew Stu
20. Redbeard's Summer Wheat - excelled yourself Mr M. I liked it.
24. Hewy's hefe - no carb problem - wasted some by offering to a turd of a bloke who drinks VB- my fault. Should have been greedy and drunk the lot !
27. Matt n AJ Chokesy Brown - bloody nice beer lads ! Rated that a nice drop !

Planning a session for the cricket and will actually try to remember to write my notes a little better.

Am drinking 8. jonw's NS Summer ale as I read the site - yeeehhaa on the hop bite !! First impression was what the F%^$ is this .. but half way through the glass, the taste buds have adjusted and this is one hoppy brew ! Is this meant to be so hoppy ? I'm loving it, but this aint a session brew ! Should ahve given this one to the VB turd and watched him squirm on a real hop taste !
Am drinking 8. jonw's NS Summer ale as I read the site - yeeehhaa on the hop bite !! First impression was what the F%^$ is this .. but half way through the glass, the taste buds have adjusted and this is one hoppy brew ! Is this meant to be so hoppy ? I'm loving it, but this aint a session brew ! Should ahve given this one to the VB turd and watched him squirm on a real hop taste !

Thanks for the (positive?! :)) feedback fgz. I just got home from a month in the UK yesterday, and poured myself a glass of the summer ale from the keg, and was quite surprised by how bitter it has become. I put it down to my palate becoming used to English beer, but maybe this one doesn't age so well. I'm pretty sure that it wasn't so bitter when it was fresh.

I haven't collected (let alone tasted) my case yet - I'm looking forward to getting into a few decent beers. Having said that, I've been rather spoilt on excellent English beer over the last four weeks. St. Austell Tribute, TTLL from the cask, London pride and a number of craft brews were all excellent. I was surprised by just how different TTLL from the cask is to the bottled product - 4.4% vs ~5.5% for a start, a completely different beer.

We also spent a few days in Hamburg visiting my brother and his family, so had quite a few excelent German brews too.


Brew: 18. Insight - Taddy Porter Clone
Date: 3/2/09
Beer info: Brown 750ml Coopers bottle, gold cap "18", 5.2%, bottled 5th Dec

Looks like i'm onto the dark beers to finish up the case. Having recent tried Samuel Smiths Taddy Porter, i'm looking forward to trying this one especially.

Sampling notes:
Served chilled in glass.
Pours a picturesque pint, so to speak. A inch-thick dense, creamy, persistant tan head atop a ruby-highlighted black body. Glass is painted with lace on the trip down.
Subtle roasty aroma; bit of charcoaly, earthy, woody sort of malt presence, some burnt toffee in the works, faint dark fruits and a lactic note.
Full, creamy body, carbonation is low and cask-like. Grain astrigency is quite noticable, drying, a bit lactic but not bitter or discouraging.
Nice, smooth roasted malt presense on the body. Bitter dark chocolate and cocoa, burnt wood-like roastiness, some rich toffee bring a hint of sweetness, possibly a hint of earthy hop spice. Unripe plummy fruits as it warms, bit of liquorice and brown sugar. Finishes with a good bitterness, lingering grainy dryness with a touch of acidity.
Very close to the mark of Sam Smiths I've gotta say, possibly a bit more body but a bit less malt complexity. Either way it's a very nice, highly drinkable dark beer. Cheers Insight!

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