2008 Nsw Xmas Case Swap - Tasting Notes

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16. Muggus - Wedding Weekend Weizenbock 6.6%,

Pours clear dark copper with a very small head. Aroma is nutty malt with that wheatish yeasty aroma and a subtle spice. Flavour is more of the same. Complex. Malt is dominant with spice in the finish. I dont know why I get ginger in these types of beer. Very low carb. Seemingly lowish bitterness but I suspect is more than I think, with the other flavours carrying it. Very nice beer, Muggus. Thanks.

16. Muggus - Wedding Weekend Weizenbock 6.6%,

Pours clear dark copper with a very small head. Aroma is nutty malt with that wheatish yeasty aroma and a subtle spice. Flavour is more of the same. Complex. Malt is dominant with spice in the finish. I dont know why I get ginger in these types of beer. Very low carb. Seemingly lowish bitterness but I suspect is more than I think, with the other flavours carrying it. Very nice beer, Muggus. Thanks.

Thanks for the nice comments Andrew!
Now that you mention it, I also sometimes get a 'ginger' sort of flavour in some weizenbocks, and in some just normal weizens for that matter. Could be a yeast thing, but then again alot of these beers are very complex and somehow change dramatically as you get through the bottle. One reason I guess I love them! :icon_cheers:
Brew: 22. Beer Slayer Wheat Beer
Date: 30/12/08
Beer info: Brown 750ml twist-top, gold cap "22"

Sorry guy. This is at it's use-by , if not beyond.
Sweet banana on opening and the same in the taste. Some tropical fruit in the aroma still, but the main flavour is gone.
So sorry to have missed this, as it's "my" style.
Still got most of the phenolics, and they are more up-front now.
Still edged in a 6.5/10 for grit, determination and what could have been.

Now I'm just ticked off with myself. Didn't realise that "ready to drink before Xmas" meant that I should "drink now".
my apologies for not catching this beer in it's prime.

Any another beer that I missed in its prime? Still have half a case, but I have 2 weeks off work (oh, and half the HAG case).

Appreciating everyone's effort and I vow to do much better next time.
28. Les - Dampfbier ~5% ABV (sort of a Vienna lager, but warm fermented with W3068

Checked the bomb shelter and this one was still whole so I thought it safe to put in the fridge.

Pours with a BIG fluffy head ;) . Cloudy light copper. Aroma is mostly yeast and spice. Flavour is same with some malt coming through. Low carb (now). Body is a bit light for my tastes. Bitterness is low. Would have liked to try this with proper carb levels. Thanks Les.

Also had a few last night and couldnt make notes. Sorry for the brief descriptions but that is the best I can do.

21. Barls- raspberry wheat beer (4.1%)

Poured pink - Raspberry definitely there in aroma and flavour. Light body. Nice. Thanks barls.

Ive only had a couple of fruit beers and still havent had a fruit beer epiphany. I think I would like one with more body but then again im not sure how the dry tartness would suit.

14. Retsamhsam - Brown Bastard Amber Ale

It was a shame I couldnt have given this a bit more attention. Very malty with a slight smokiness that was very nice. Thanks Rets.

6. monkeybusiness - Simple Lager, Wey Pilsner, german noble hops, Wyeast Bohemian Lager

Not much to add on this one. Pretty much as described. I might have been a bit past it by this stage. Thanks MB.

Brew: 22. Beer Slayer Wheat Beer

Thought I should drink this one before it went downhill any further :huh: .

Pours clearish gold with a small head that disappears quickly. Aroma is wheatish and I get the banana as well with malt there in the background. Flavour is similar with a bit of spice in the finish. Not overly wheaty. High carb. I wasnt expecting much but I really enjoyed this beer. Im not a big wheat drinker, maybe that why. Nice beer. Thanks BS.

3 Stuster - Flip-flop Saison

Echoing other comments on this. As usual a great Saison from the Stuster. Very enjoyable with a nice warm sensation in the tum after finishing a flavoursome and aromatic beer. Lovely. Thanks Stu!

I had a second bottle also labelled "3" in the case. Had a smokey, whisky-like flavour. Any ideas whose beer this might have been?

22. Beer Slayer - Wheat Beer

Again, echoing the comments of others. Not a great beer, but I drank the whole bottle.
Am I the only one still drinking these?

11. Crozdog - NDBrewing Amarillo Ale

Mostly clean APA. Poured with a generous head, deep amber colour. Aroma of Amarillo hops and a trace of malt. Balance between malt and hops OK. Slight astringency, but not much above my threshold and maybe a hint of diacetyl. Finish dry and pleasant, leaving a desire for another sip. Nice fermentation skillz croz ;)

This beer put me nicely into the mood for Cortez's Smug Bastard. If I'm still conscious, review later.
Am I the only one still drinking these?
I'm having a little break but will back into them
This beer put me nicely into the mood for Cortez's Smug Bastard. If I'm still conscious, review later.
Don't know if a winter warmer is right for this heat.

Says the man who just had a Erdinger Dunkeler Weizenbock, a Leffe Radieuse and a Coopers 2006 Vintage

I'm having a little break but will back into them

Don't know if a winter warmer is right for this heat.

Says the man who just had a Erdinger Dunkeler Weizenbock, a Leffe Radieuse and a Coopers 2006 Vintage


Too late, amigo. It's on its way down my gullet now. Serving it very cold tho, food fridge rather than beer fridge temps. Need some sleep for a 5am road trip starting tomorrow, so short of snorting spirits at bedtime, Smug Bastard it is ;)
10. Cortez The Killer - Smug Bastard

Hoppy and floral/herbacious aroma and a bit of caramel and some fruity esters. Touch of alcohol in there as well. Poured with a decent head which dissipated with a few sips. Medium body, medium-high carbonation. Flavour similar to nose with a little toffee and caramel. Medium-high bitterness, but imho a little too low for the crystal malty backbone. Or is the caramel from the kettle? Nice drink served cold on this stupidly hot summer night. With the hops and alcohol, won't have any trouble sleeping tonight. Cheers, Cortez. Enjoyed it a lot.
4. Fatgodzilla - American Brown Wheat Beer

Chilled this one in the freezer for half an hour or so tonight. opened with a healthy chhssshhhh... Poured into a PhAT with a healthy pure white big bubbled head that was persistent to the last mouthfull. Pours a deep amber to light copper colour, clarity is excellent. Carbonation is healthy but not overly active.

Burying my nose in the glass, up front I get a slight tartness from the wheat that is quickly over powered by big bready aromas mixed with some slight roasty notes and even some dried fruit in the backgroud. Another sniff and I get caramels and treacles and burnt candi sugar type aromas.

First sip is a bit of carbonic bite that fades quickly to the maltiness. The sweetness of crystal comes through in the mid palate, but not as much tartness from wheat malts as I would have expected from the initial aroma. This sure is a beer that keeps you guessing.... Swirling the second mouthfull around my mouth I get more bready flavours , a slight hint of roast and a long dry finish that I would expect from a wheat malted beer. The bitterness is well hidden, and for my tastes I'd like to see another 5 or 10 IBU in this one.

Thanks for sharing, Fatz, a very enjoyable beer and I commend you on your persistence in continuing until you came up with something you were happy to swap. Champion effort!
3. Stuster - Flip-flop Saison

Opened with a nice phhssshhhht. Poured into a chilled Phat. Comes up with a clean, white, fine bubbled persistent head. Clarity of my glass is not so fantastic, but I think that may well be the way I treated my bottle. Colour is a medium straw to pale gold and I can tell already this beer will lace the glass to the bottom.

Putting my nose to the glass I get the spiciness that you would expect from a Saison. A background earthiness followed by dried orange/mandarin peel and pepper flood my nose. I also get something akin to chinese 5 spice in there, cinnamons and nutmeg almost.... very complex

My first mouthfull confirms the earthiness and peppery aromas. It's wildly different to the flavours thrown by the Belgian Saison yeast. Carbonic bite comes through on the palate, leaving a long, dry finish. Bitterness on the finish overpowers the maltiness, but I'm not sure if this is typical of style or not.

Thanks for sharing, Stu. Apologies that my feedback may not be so helpful to youm but this is a style that I'm still becoming familiar with. Very enjoyable none the less
No. 16 Muggus' Wedding Weekend Weizenbock


Poured a lovely caramel with nice carb into a tall weizen glass, frothy head, yeast gently resuspended. Nice caramelly aroma, with some clove peaking through.

A soft mouthfeel delivers more of the gentle caramel notes and yeast derived clove followed by complex wheaty, breadiness and a slight lactic twang. Gentle alcohol warmth on the followthrough. Mmmmmm. A big complex wheaty with a lot going on but nicely soft around the edges. Nice one Muggus, thanks.


4. Fatgodzilla - American Brown Wheat Beer
Thanks for sharing, Fatz, a very enjoyable beer and I commend you on your persistence in continuing until you came up with something you were happy to swap. Champion effort!

Thanks Schooey - I'll barbeque a steak for you any time ! Found two bottles of this brew in the cellar so may keep for a future date. I might try to repeat the recipe excepting no Scottish Ale yeast, so will try Brit Ale II. If i can repeat the flavours, I may make this a stock tap beer at my place. Otherwise write it off as a freak (just like me :p )

Loftboy's Cream Ale

Poured very hazy and with a small but consistent head. Easily drinkable. Read from a different thread that this was Jamil's recipe, so interested why it wasn't a clearer beer (chill haze ?) You any ideas ? Very tasty. My VB drinking mate Pete liked it so much he drunk the last bit of the bottle, so you can take that as a successful effort. Look forward to future brews.

Crozdog's Amarillo Ale.

Like all Americans, upfront this was bold and bragging. I knew I had a tiger by the tail here. I find that with these hoppy beers, let the taste buds acclimatise the initial shock then wait for the good times to come. These are my favourite American beers (why I brew so many I guess). The only disappointment is when you swallow the last mouthful and you aint got more left. Should have kept it for Superbowl Day (GO STEELERS) but lucky I have a dozen APAs in the cellar for that day ! Tah Phil !
<chopped> Found two bottles of this brew in the cellar so may keep for a future date. I might try to repeat the recipe excepting no Scottish Ale yeast, so will try Brit Ale II. If i can repeat the flavours, I may make this a stock tap beer at my place. Otherwise write it off as a freak (just like me :p ) </chopped>
What do you mean, no Scottish ale yeast? :(
You just said that you have two bottles in the cellar (or there was...). There are 2 yeast culture sources for you, and you get to drink the beer first. :rolleyes:
Now stop moaning, and brew. :lol:
Loftboy's Cream Ale

Poured very hazy and with a small but consistent head. Easily drinkable. Read from a different thread that this was Jamil's recipe, so interested why it wasn't a clearer beer (chill haze ?) You any ideas ? Very tasty. My VB drinking mate Pete liked it so much he drunk the last bit of the bottle, so you can take that as a successful effort. Look forward to future brews.


Thanks for the feedback. I'm not sure why the batch ended hazy. Perhaps it may have been from the small amount of either flaked maize or dextrose in the recipe. This was my first time using either of those adjuncts in an AG batch.


What do you mean, no Scottish ale yeast? :(
You just said that you have two bottles in the cellar (or there was...). There are 2 yeast culture sources for you, and you get to drink the beer first. :rolleyes:
Now stop moaning, and brew. :lol:

Sounds like hard work ! :rolleyes: You're a genius - why didn't I think of that !

Actually have enough grains to do again - but I will use Brit II. Save the original for comparison.

Monkeybusiness - Simple Lager

probably unfair to the brew drinking after CD' Amarillo Ale, but thought it stood up okay. An easy drinker, a touch undercarbed but the head held on all the way through. With a tad more bitterness & carbonation, this would make a great keg house beer for the megaswill crowd ! Thanks mate !
26. MCT - IPA

Pours clear, copper in colour, large fine head, which persists throughout. Medium carbonation. Very english nose. Earthy, hop resin, caramel, roast, estery. Lots of hop flavour. Smooth, caramelly upfront with a bitter finish which lingers just long enough. Medium body. Great beer, bitterness well balanced with caramel toffee flavours and good malt backbone. Really enjoyed this - could imagine sitting in an english pub drinking this.

25. Postmodern - Summer Blonde

Light amber colour, slightly cloudy. Carbonation high. Large white head. Fruity hops on the nose, some malt, passion fruit. Flavour very american, passionfruit, melon, some pine and citrus. Reminds of the IPA I had at your place, must be the Denny's 50 yeast. Medium body. Lovely bitterness that hits toward the end, but isn't powerful. Very well balanced. Very easy drinking. A great summer beer. Please send keg full over.


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