2006 Hop Plantations

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Thanks for the info everyone. From what I read above, I may not be past it. I think I probably should have put a bit more chook poo on them recently, but the hops I was most concerned with emit clouds of pollen if i touch them.

KillerRx4. Your description is tops. I reckon some of them are just ready.

I imagin picking some of the flowers will probably stimulate more flowering elsewhere.

Not bad for a first year though as I thought I might get nada.
Thanks for the info everyone. From what I read above, I may not be past it. I think I probably should have put a bit more chook poo on them recently, but the hops I was most concerned with emit clouds of pollen if i touch them.


MtHood1.JPG MtHood2.JPG

Chinook1.JPG Chinook2.JPG

KillerRx4. Your description is tops. I reckon some of them are just ready.

I imagine picking some of the flowers will probably stimulate more flowering elsewhere.

Not bad for a first year though as I thought I might get nada.

angel!!!! ive never seen a hop plant that looks like the one in the lower right hand side pic????? :blink: Could it be a male???
From your photo's they are no where near ready. Harvest is a long way off.
By the time they are ready all those spikey bits will be engulfed (and dissapear) by the petals of the cones and the finished product will be a whole lot bigger. Have patience, leave em alone.
FWIW they are looking pretty healthy at this stage of the game.
I wouldn't encourage picking flowers to promote more elsewhere. I don't believe hops work that way. They may well cause the remaining cones to be slightly bigger but I doubt you'd notice. They all mature at a very similar time hence the commercial guys just cut the bines down and process them elsewhere.

Another tell tale sign of ripeness (when you get there) is that they will sort of rattle when you shake the bine once they are the desirable papery texture.

Hold the phone... I didn't see the bottom row of pics.

I believe that be the wrong sex..... you want a chick plant not a dude.

You have 2 plants I assume.
angel!!!! ive never seen a hop plant that looks like the one in the lower right hand side pic????? :blink: Could it be a female???

The Top "pair" of flower photos are the Chinook.

The Bottom "Pair" are the Mt Hood.

Thats all I know :blink:

The Top "pair" of flower photos are the Chinook.

The Bottom "Pair" are the Mt Hood.

Thats all I know :blink:


as borret said - the bottom pics show that it is a male plant (I was wrong when I said female). You wont get any flowers from the Mt Hood. :(
You definately have a male plant in which case you may want to tear it out. It's likely to promote seeds in the cones of your other plant.

Major bummer dude...

Heres a diagram I found. Male flowers are seen at the top of the diagram, the female stuff you want is at the bottom.


******* thats gone berko for a 1st year plant.

So thats what male cones look like eh? Im pretty sure i heard on 1 of the TBN's hop shows that some of the commercial growers once produced males on purpose to get more $/lb. So if thats the case i wouldnt worry too much about them. Just means there will be seeds in the cone.

Besides its not like you have to worry about the seeds blocking the cone with these buds :eek:
Borret. The Plate link is great (so to speak). And from the "A" diagram (staminate (male) inflorescence) and "1" (staminate flower), the Mt Hood is definitely Male.

Also, from the "B" (pistillate (female) inflorescence) the Chinook is definitely Female (Finally my Uni Botany taxonomy is coming in handy).


1 - Are male flowers completely useless for brewing?

2 - These will have cross pollinated the Chinook now. What will that do? (apart from producing seeds). Will the Chinook hops be usable?

3 - Do hop plants change sex? Or does this mean the whole plant should be destroyed?

4 - If the supplier sent me this rhizome and it is obviously from a Male plant, should I be able to get it exchanged? :ph34r:

Thats all.

It was all looking so good.

My totally unqualified quessing is...

1. I think they still contain luplin & can be brewed with without problem.

2. As above. Maybe you have just produced a new & exciting strain :lol:

3. They only change sex when pollinated (from female to male)

4. Most probably if theyre reasonable.

Im far from an expert so dont take my word for anything above.
My POR in the ground is going ok so far. Looks like I should get a few hundred grams again this year.

The EKG is in the black pot and that has done ok as well. That will go into the ground next year.

The Cascade is in the white pot and has not fared so well but is still alive. Next to it is the tetnang which disapeared but came back to life.



Definatelly male.
1) Due to their very close genetics, the male and female hop flowers are exactly the same as those of marijuana(except for the cones) and contrary to popular belief male marijuana flowers do have THC, so I'm guessin' the male hop flowers will have some lupulin. The problem is they also have massive amounts of pollen as you already know, so do you want this in yer brew?

2) They will seed, but if you catch them before then, they might be usable.

3) Dunno if hops will change sex. But it might be possible to force it. Marijuana can change sex, but needs forcing by either chemicals or modified light hours, which needs artificial lighting(18 to 24hours a day) and can take months.
It's claimed that female marijuana can be forced to shoot male flowers and self polinate in areas that are sprayed with Gibberellic acid(comes from mouldy rice) or when the plant is watered with disolved aspirin/water solution. (for anyone interested in breeding/hybridising, all seeds produced are guaranteed female in this case.)
Dunno if this would work on males(if it does you will get female flowers and no need to worry about seed, seeding is impossible), or hops for that matter.

4) If they have an ounce of decency, yes.
First pic is of my 2006 hop plants. The 2 on the right are my Ornamental Hallertau that are just crap... on the left however is my POP (Pride Of Pemberton) HOP that was given to me by my mate Chillamacgilla

My beloved POR seems to have been invaded by some disease.. :(

Probably only something that Grows in the new location we moved to.

It was going really well till about the middle of last week. After some diagnosis today I think I may have this..


hop clap.

The EKG and tettnang in the pot seems to be ok.

First pic is of my 2006 hop plants. The 2 on the right are my Ornamental Hallertau that are just crap... on the left however is my POP (Pride Of Pemberton) HOP that was given to me by my mate Chillamacgilla

Impressive looking hops Asher - good to see the strain is still alive n well. My POP are struggling along and only 6ft tall with no flowers....I will post a photo if they pull there finger out and flower. I might try a light sprinkling of sulphate of potash watered in well to try and trigger flowering. No signs of mites as yet so fingers crossed they have buggered off.
4 - If the supplier sent me this rhizome and it is obviously from a Male plant, should I be able to get it exchanged? :ph34r:

Definitely!! They agreed to sell you, and you agree to buy, a female useful for brewing. They sold you a male, useless for anything.

First ask nicely. You should get a full replacement without having to put your hand anywhere near your pocket. If they refuse, tell them you will be hanging up and immediately ringing the consumer protection authority in your State.

My cutting from Asher's ornamenal hallertau looks lovely but no flowers yet. My POR has little flowers. chilla's pride of pemberton is in a little pot and small but looks healthy. No flowers yet.
