bloody sensational ATOMT....especially for its first year. Those cones are huge!! :blink:
bloody sensational ATOMT....especially for its first year. Those cones are huge!! :blink:
Can I take cutting sand grow a plant form them?
When is the bast time to take a cutitng and is there anything specific I need to do?
Thinking about going for a drive into the Derwent valley to get some cuttings
BatzOk just took a pic
These cuttings are 11 days old,the leaves were on the cutting when I took them,note the roots forming.
I'll plant these out into pots tomorrow.
Did you strike your cuttings in a pot or in water?
Can I take cutting sand grow a plant form them?
When is the bast time to take a cutitng and is there anything specific I need to do?
Thinking about going for a drive into the Derwent valley to get some cuttings
Gday Johnno.Nice harvest ATMOT.
These are the chinook aren"t they? You should try and brew with them as soon as possible. Even do a wet hop brew.
One thing I reaslised after my PoR harvest last year when I used them was just how different they were to pellets.
You could smell the freshness during the boil. I was dissapointed last year that I did not do a wet hop brew.
This year I will be brewing with them straight after harvest to see what that is like which I have no doubt will be an awesome brew.