2006 Hop Plantations

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mine did that last season. i cut them back, moved them to a shadier spot and they went nuts. this is in perth with tettnanger and it was a very odd weathered summer
yeah My Tettnanger went off and then those damn "red spider mites " moved in and have raped my leaves and stopped growth. a side shoot that i potted up is hangin in there and the parent rhizome has shot another leader.
looks like I'm gonna have to bite the bullett and use a miticide spray to get rid of the buggers and then cut em back for a second flush.Might be able to get hold of some predator mites courtesy of work next month, that will sort em out!
Has anyone else had the leaves of their plants 'tear' apart? Little splits have been appearing in the leaves of my plants which then develop and the leaves shred themselves. It would appear it might be a K problem.

Anyone else seen it before?

For those of you with a mite problem, have you looked into a nicotine spray. Put butts and or tobacco into water and soak. Use a spray bottle to spray on the plants.

Also planting garlic in amongst the other plants (next year I Guess) can help to control pests. Organic and natural gardening books cover all these options.

Having said this, I have a much bigger pest and despite my efforts with the fence, the wind yesterday blew the top 20 cm off the stake it was running up. It fell over my little fence and "Vindaloo" the rabbit took his share (~15cm). Inot that the replacement shoot has taken off today.

cheers all.

WOW..these things are quick..

Went to water this morning, and there's 2 little red shoots of my Cluster plant poking throught the dirt....

Im a happy man!!! only potted it a week and a half ago
For those of you with a mite problem, have you looked into a nicotine spray. Put butts and or tobacco into water and soak. Use a spray bottle to spray on the plants.

Rhubarb spray works well for mites and aphids too :)

When using rhubarb, put a bit of laundry soap "Sunshine Soap" in the water and it helps the solution stick...not sure if it is a good idea with tobacco though :huh:

Sulfur is the simplest and most effective solution to two spotted/spider mite problems. Try and get wettable sulfur rather than lime sulfur. Follow the instructions and after a couple of applications your mite problem should be on the wane. Spraying under leaves is the trick.

From growing hops at home, plant stress seems to contribute to mite problems, but mites can show up and blow up pretty quickly.
Man, have my plants shot up this weekend. I reckon one bine on one plant has grown 0.5-0.75 of a meter since Friday morning.

Man, have my plants shot up this weekend. I reckon one bine on one plant has grown 0.5-0.75 of a meter since Friday morning.


Have you still got your Hop Cam running Doc? That is a massive growth spirt :eek:

The Doc has perscribed Steroids to his Hops :lol:


No, no hopcam this season. They have a new home this season and it doesn't suit a hopcam.

well, i'm a little behind this year. I just planted my rhizomes today. They all had shoots so I should be seeing something soon.
my tallest one is almost on the second story balcony so thats about 2.5m or so and the others arent too far behind. i dont know what the gf is doing to them while ive been away but its working
Linz's hop rizomes are growing at a fairytale rate - I'm waiting for the beanstalking giant to appear.

I swear the thing has grown 2 inches in the last 48 hours........
This year's hops are looking good, thanks the the recently installed dripper system...
The 2yo Chinook is looking robust...
The 3yo Goldings in the centre tub is on the way and well over 10 feet tall on the lattice...
The 1yo PoR, far left, is up with two bines but I won't hold my breath for a 1st season harvest! A good dose of seasol a couple of weeks ago and watering every 2nd day is doing the trick at the moment...
A few brewers have asked about the differences between the plants, appearance wise, so I'll follow up with some closeup shots of the leaves for future reference...
In case you've come across some wild hops or you were given a rhizome or two and you're trying to work out what the hell the hops variety is, here's a starter set of pics on three reasonably common varities - other pics / varieties are welcome. I'll proudly post some pics of the cones in the new year!! B)

First up, here's a shot of some Pride of Ringwood leaves...

Secondly, some Goldings - these leaves when mature are quite large and darker than average leaves...

And finally, the somewhat more papery looking Chinook...

You can see the subtle differences between the leave structures and hopefully they will help those searching for a name for their hop plants.

Mine have both gone ********* :( leaves are brown and dying, so i sprayed with copper oxychloride today and will hope for the best. My tettnanger has new shoots which are promising. I'll be happy with them surviving the first year, no cones expected :(
ive got 2 that are going well but the third is half the size of the other 2 and has a few brown spots on the leaves, im not sure i think it might be the pot as its in a different style pot to the others.
on a related note who was it last year who took a cutting of a leaf and tried propagating it, did they have any success
on a related note who was it last year who took a cutting of a leaf and tried propagating it, did they have any success

Ive had good results with cuttings. You need to take a cutting of a shoot not just a leaf tho. (crown & upper leaf section)

My plants are pretty miserable this season. My best bine which is about 8ft has had its crown die/eaten or something. Its shooting a lateral now so it still should go on.

My parent rhizome from last year has 2 shoots which are maybe 5mm high & have not grown anymore for past 5 weeks.

A clone from last years plant was going mental, grew 2 ft in 2 weeks. the biggest bine somehow snapped off but is now in a cup of water hoping it will root.

So out of 5 plants i might get cones off 2 or 3 tops.
Twas me who stuck a leaf in water to see what it did. Yes it grew roots and survived in teh ground for about 3 months. It never really grew though.
A cutting from a tip is easy though. A couple f weeks in a cup of water and then into the ground once the roots pop and and your away. I have done many this way and they are now growing all in a few different points in the country. :)


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