1st Brew On Braumeister - Pics

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Well done mate :icon_chickcheers:

Happy Camping :rolleyes:
I gave the BM a run last Sunday, had a little hiccup, didn't realise that the bottom seal on the malt pipe had come a drift slightly, waited for 35 minutes waiting for the malt to start pumping up through the malt pipe, being my first run I had no idea how long this would take.
When the penny dropped, we had to pull the malt pipe out with 10kgs of saturated grain, hold it in the air while my mate quickly re instated the seal.
We lost probably the first part of the mashing program and about 500ml of malt. end result was still good with an OG of 1048, taste out of the hydrometer, was very promising. You gotta love the Braumeister!!
I wonder how many people on this forum have these units and weather its worth making a new forum section dedicated to them? I am looking at getting one too and would like an easy way to keep track of the developments surrounding them via this forum.

If all goes well, I'll be getting mine this weekend. Can't wait as I'm looking forward to getting brewing again.
If all goes well, I'll be getting mine this weekend. Can't wait as I'm looking forward to getting brewing again.

Will have to get a commission from John on that one.Must have been the 5 minute spiel i gave you before the swap last Saturday.if i can help you with anything pm me and we can talk or help you with your first brew.

cheers SCum
Just picked my braumeister up from G&G - along with some fresh galaxy flowers. Gonna put down a galaxy pale ale. :icon_drool2:

So shiny.... so beautiful
Just picked my braumeister up from G&G - along with some fresh galaxy flowers. Gonna put down a galaxy pale ale. :icon_drool2:

So shiny.... so beautiful

Tax return come through? Nice work. Did you go the 20L? Get a jacket?

Did my pale reignite a little Galaxy love?
a ****... forgot to grab the jacket. might order it online later. Your galaxy pale= stronger love for galaxy

I was thinking of grabbing a little and then he showed me the fresh batch they just got in. I was like "f**k it, I'll take 500g"
No point starting a new thread, so I thought I'd contribute:

Did my first brew yesterday. Went well except I accidentally entered my boiling hops as 45 mins as this was my adjusted addition due to no-chilling. Ie. I still wanted to boil for 60mins, not 45 as I noticed it started counting down from 45mins. This was easy enough to resolve. I just stopped the automatic procedure and switched to manual. I set 60 mins on my iphone count down and just did it that way. Too easy

One thing I couldn't get over is how clear the wort was. I noticed that when the pump rested, the wort in the malt pipe resided. I hope that's not due to a dodgy seal. Could have just been back flow from the pump?

Boil was vigorous enough. Could possibly have been a bit stronger with the use of a jacket maybe. I topped it up a couple of times during the boil with some boiling water from the kettle. I didn't do a sparge, which I might do next time to avoid having to add boiling water later.

I struggled a little with cleaning, but I should have just tipped it all out, rather than filling a bucket, tipping, and emptying. Was just scared to pick it up, which I'll do next time. Got it all nice and shiny at the end.

Overall, I'm very satisfied with my purchase. Was really good to not have to run around with hot/cold water to adjust mash in temps. Will be good to try a few different mashing regimes on it. I have always wanted to do some step mashing, but couldn't be bothered. Now I can. I'll post some pics later on.
Sounds great Siborg,

Yep, when the pumps turn off the liquid will flow back to level through the pumps. Sounds like all went well, I look forward to seeing your pics. Did you get a 50L model?

photo.JPGJust put down my third batch, Its too easy, very efficient and consistent, just ordered a Blichmann Hop rocket as well, can't wait until its all complete, Its been a long hall from 12 years ago trying to mash with an eski and a tea strainer :D
Congrats on your maiden brew!!

I noticed that when the pump rested, the wort in the malt pipe resided. I hope that's not due to a dodgy seal. Could have just been back flow from the pump?

perfectly normal, nothing to worry about. The pump rests are a way of mixing up your grain bed to avoid chanelling. You will see that the wort is less clear after the breaks. There are no rests during the last half hour or so to give you as clear wort as possible.
perfectly normal, nothing to worry about. The pump rests are a way of mixing up your grain bed to avoid chanelling. You will see that the wort is less clear after the breaks. There are no rests during the last half hour or so to give you as clear wort as possible.

My last brew, a brown ale, half way thru' the mash the pump started rattling and could not raise the grain bed. I paused the cycle, removed the top filters and stirred the crap out of the grist. By the end of the cycle, wort was crystal clear! Boiled and no-chilled.
Pitched 1007 German ale yeast this morning, checked SG at 1.056, Beer Tools Pro suggested 1.051.....happy days... :)

Gotta luv 'da meister
Cool looking set up! Where are all the hoses going? I'd like to know how you have it all set up, looks great.

I had brewed the first two brew just with the braumeister, immersion chiller and the standard plastic fermenters, when I set this up it was just to get my head around how all this new stuf fwas going to work, I didn't want to fix anything permanently beacause of cleaning and sanitizing issues.
The hoses: Heavy duty silicon hose from Braumeister to the pump, then pump to plate chiller, plate chiller to the inline thermometer, then to fermenter, waste from plate chiller to sink for wash up. I'll be adding the hop rocket between the braumeister and the pump with the next brew.
I had brewed the first two brew just with the braumeister, immersion chiller and the standard plastic fermenters, when I set this up it was just to get my head around how all this new stuf fwas going to work, I didn't want to fix anything permanently beacause of cleaning and sanitizing issues.
The hoses: Heavy duty silicon hose from Braumeister to the pump, then pump to plate chiller, plate chiller to the inline thermometer, then to fermenter, waste from plate chiller to sink for wash up. I'll be adding the hop rocket between the braumeister and the pump with the next brew.

Why the hood? Are you venting the boil steam outside with ducting?
Got temperature control for the bling ferementer?

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