19l Corny With Pinprick Hole In The Side....

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RoachHaus Brewery
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One of my kegs popped a leak today (it appears some dopey ***** took a grinder to the junction of the base seam and the vertical seam......god only knows why), luckily it was only full of water at the time.

Ross being the champ he is has agreed to replace the body of the keg for me, meaning I'll be stripping the posts/lid off this keg to pop on the new body, this makes me happy.

But, it leaves me with a 19L corny keg body with a pinprick sized hole near the base which I have no idea what I should do with......I'd be looking at a cost of $60+ to buy a new set of posts/lid/disconnects, plus getting the keg fixed.

Ross and I came up with cutting holes in the side and making it a rather blingy planter box for my wife to grow herbs in, OR I could give it to the old man who would simply chop it in half to make two feed troughs for the sheep....

So, before it meets the grinder (again) suggest some useful purposes for it....
maybe someone wants something blingy for herms?
I'd be getting the welder out and using it somehow for brewing.
Tiny little bit of TIG over the spot and it makes a good HERMS/RIMS vessel, or a mini mash tun for small experimental batches, or a Thumper for a water purification system... :ph34r:
One of my kegs popped a leak today (it appears some dopey ***** took a grinder to the junction of the base seam and the vertical seam......god only knows why), luckily it was only full of water at the time.

Ross being the champ he is has agreed to replace the body of the keg for me, meaning I'll be stripping the posts/lid off this keg to pop on the new body, this makes me happy.

But, it leaves me with a 19L corny keg body with a pinprick sized hole near the base which I have no idea what I should do with......I'd be looking at a cost of $60+ to buy a new set of posts/lid/disconnects, plus getting the keg fixed.

Ross and I came up with cutting holes in the side and making it a rather blingy planter box for my wife to grow herbs in, OR I could give it to the old man who would simply chop it in half to make two feed troughs for the sheep....

So, before it meets the grinder (again) suggest some useful purposes for it....

what about mig welding it pollux.
My welding skills match my brain surgery skills........In other words I'd be more likely to murder it than save it....

mmmmmm, drill out a hole where the pinprick is to fit an element, chop the top off, and it's a HERMS vessel waiting to happen........
I repaired a steel petrol jerrycan at least 10 years ago using Devcon. The jerry is used regularly and the repair is yet to fail. If you sanded the affected area both inside and out and applied a patch both inside and out, I am confident it will be good. Make sure the surface is clean and dry, apply the goo then smooth it off with a spit covered finger. Easy.
lol, don't know how skinny your arms are, but be buggered if I can reach the base of corny keg on the inside...
I dunno if devcon is food safe though (although how many "things" we do with homebrew are food safe is another thing)

Just take it to the metal fab shop
Or even a decent homebrew shop has a tig and get it tiged up ... its only 100PSI so i doubt itll be a major problem for pressure :p

Unless where they have ground back is too much and all too thin

I like the planter box idea

You're all missing a major point....

I am getting a new keg body, which means I'm not out of pocket and it would cost more to replace the parts than it would cost to buy new kegs in a 4 keg deal....

I'm looking for uses that aren't using it as a keg....
+1 0n a herb planter on hydroponics system, fresh herbs such as parsley can cost a fortune at the stupidmarket.
if it's a pinprick hole then drill small hole then a self tapping screw?
You could cut it up into a sexy curved shield to protect your march pump on your brew rig?

You would probably get 4 shields out of it doing this method, at least 2 anyway... sell the others off cheap to other brewers to cover some of costs?!

(assuming you have a pump on your rig ;) )
