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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Swinging Beef

    Bottles For Sale... Wollongong Free!

    About forty plastic bottles, mostly with caps About 180 long neck bottles, most/many coopers. Having to move house, and I havent bottled for years. These either go to a good home or go in the trash. FREE! All in crates. Pick up only, call or txt me on the mobile becuase I havent been...
  2. Swinging Beef

    Rochefort 10 Clone.

    Err.. so why do you want 20 litres of the stuff if you dont even know what it tastes like? Dont get me wrong, I reckon R10 is a spectacular beer with no equal (except maybe St bernardus quad) but it is surely an acquired taste. Why not make yourself an awesome triple instead?
  3. Swinging Beef

    Rochefort 10 Clone.

    Two years ago, me and three other good home brewers all brewed the R10 recipe in jamil's book with the same ingredients at around the same time. For different reasons, all of them turned out 'not good'. R10 is a God. Attempting to get close to it will only driv eyou mad, and potentially, like...
  4. Swinging Beef

    Belgian Triple/ipa Recipe

    The commercial Belgian IPA's and the ones Ive brewed myself, have all come out somewhat confused and muddled tasting. I feel the aromas of the fruitty belgian yeast and the fruity heavy hops do not combine well. I would also suggest the grain bill you have for an IPA is lacking in sweet...
  5. Swinging Beef

    Cloudy Beer

    How long did you ferment for? Secondary? Kegged or bottled? How long since then? (Obvious one but I've got to ask.) Ferment, 2 weeks-ish, sometimes three. Depends on the beer and when it's reached stable FG 2ndary, No Kegged Remains cloudy till keg is drunked.. and they all get...
  6. Swinging Beef

    Cloudy Beer

    They all taste fine, they just look like hoegaarden
  7. Swinging Beef

    Cloudy Beer

    Different yeasts: Danstar Nottingham Wyeast American Ale II Wyeast Belgian Abbey II US05 are you using different water (Have you moved since?) Have not moved. Is your grain from the same maltsters (protein levels can have differences batch to batch, MFG to MFG. You MAY need a protein rest but...
  8. Swinging Beef

    Cloudy Beer

    Neither of neither a since I got back into it.
  9. Swinging Beef

    Cloudy Beer

    0 adjuncts other than liberal and unashamed use of table sugar Could you describe to me your view on how protien rest works, please. I had thought it might be this, but never really got my head around what they are.
  10. Swinging Beef

    Cloudy Beer

    Ive made over 100 AG brews in the past three years, and have had some pretty good results. But after a 3-5 month break, of the last five brews Ive made, four of them have come out cloudy. Why might this be? I dont recall changing any processes, they all taste fine, they all just look like...
  11. Swinging Beef

    How Long Do Uncracked Grains Last?

    Never a truer word spoken. Think you are lacking efficiency? Throw in an extra few hundreg grams of grains. Its only the internet you impress with high numbers.
  12. Swinging Beef

    Invert Syrup Vs. Belgian Candi

    You should not be putting enough sugar of any kind into any leffe clone that you will make a tasteable difference. It will all be down to yeast handling. Just use table sugar or dex.
  13. Swinging Beef

    "bad" Beer Ingredients

    Meh... I put a kilo of red skins lollies in a 5kg mash brew, and it got dranked in 4 hours once fermented and kegged. The oils and weird things all seem to disipate in the boil or stay on the surface, to you just leave them behind when you run off. Egg in the mash would not really be any more of...
  14. Swinging Beef

    Are We A Nation Of Beer Snobs?

    Challenge. Next time you hear a lady say she doesnt like beer. Pour her the hoppiest, aromatic IPA or pale ale you have in the nicest, tall and patterned beer glass you have. I reckon you will convert over 50% of these 'dont like beer' ladies overnight. Women's drinking habits are different to...
  15. Swinging Beef

    Russian Imperial Stout

    Big and belgian beers are my favorite and speciality, but beers that big are really hard to design, brew and ferment. All credit to you to want to attempt such a beast, but I would strongly recommend you get a few brews under your belt on your current system before you go for such a big, bold...
  16. Swinging Beef

    Thinking Of A Mango Beer

    I recommend you eat the tasty mangos, and brew a really tasty pale ale and throw in some Riwaka hops for a week as a dry hop and you will get all the mango aroma you want. Citrussy fruits are not good in beer. If yiou are really keen on making an alcoholic mango thing, get some 1/2 descent vodka...
  17. Swinging Beef

    Wild Yeast Fermentation

    You are a brave man. All my experiments with natural airborn yeasts in Australia have proved to be quite revolting. We do not live in Lombeek. :(
  18. Swinging Beef

    New Craft Brewery In Newtown, Nsw

    I think this question has been answered for me. :P
  19. Swinging Beef

    Kegging Setups

    hahah.. you bastard.. what a memory you have! :D yes.. if Im doing stinky beers, and I do have Rosalare blend in the fridge right now, I will bottle them. Funny... since I was without kegs for a couple of weeks while this was getting built, I started rummaging thru my 'lessor' stocks of...
  20. Swinging Beef

    Kegging Setups

    based on the style of "obelisk" Thanks heaps to my 'co designers' for advice, support and deisgn Runs two kegs, and fits an extra keg and the gas bottle. All inside and self contained. Temp controller is gaf taped on the back and tucked away. :D After initial lack of education regarding...