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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    All Amarillo Lager!

    Have you have ever tried Singha beer? its from thailand - but its a lager with very pronounced American hops for flavour and bitterness I personlly rekon its a great beer - goes very well with asian food which most beer does not good luck with it lou
  2. L

    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    As some one who does pressure cook my starters (but no chills otherwise) I can tell you that you would not want to autoclave the whole wort - raising the temp to 121C totally changes the wort - more protein coagulates and drops out and the wort noticably darkens - also pressure cooking seems to...
  3. My baby pineapple!!

    My baby pineapple!!

    My baby pineapple - many yeasr tending the plant has paid off - what a beauty!!
  4. detail of brew stand

    detail of brew stand

    brew stand - without kettle on lower level
  5. detail of brew stand

    detail of brew stand

    Three tier stand made from 5mm angle iron - bolted together - sealed and spraypainted - hand made -
  6. HLT close up

    HLT close up

    HLT with sightglass - mashmaster thermometre and brass 1/2 inch ball valve and elbow
  7. Inside mash tun

    Inside mash tun

    Inside mash tun - Keepcold cooler - 36 litres with 1.5 metres of SS braiding connected to 1/2 inch stainless steel barb screwed into 1/2 inch socket screwed onto 3 inch threaded stainless steel pipe - also stainless steel clamps holding braid onto copper tee piece
  8. Hot Liquor Tun - electric

    Hot Liquor Tun - electric

    Electric Hot liquor Tun with kettle element - controlled by thermostat - polycarbonate sight tube and mashmaster thermometre - 1/2 inch brass ball valve
  9. Inside Boiler

    Inside Boiler

    My SS electric Boiler. Uses 2 Kettle elements
  10. L

    How To Make My Stout More Malty?

    The secret to a richer flavoured stout is in the yeast not the grain if you up the dark malts you just end upwith a stout that tastes like dirt - rather burnt dirt - if you munch on a handful of black malt - that is the exact flavour you will get in the beer - what you need to use is a...
  11. L

    Bottle Conditioning Flavour Effects

    I am very familiar with this phenomenon it was the 'bottling effect' that made me switch to kegging - IMHO the flavour of kegged beer and bottled coditioned beer is totally different and i prefer kegged beer - for a start consider the difference between commercial beer on tap and in the bottle...
  12. L

    Barley Crusher Idle Roller

    My O-ring falied on my BC but i never have a problem with the crush unless i set it too fine and it doesn't grab at all my real problem is that the whole thing started to rust in the humid wweather up here in brissy - although it only did this where it got dust on it - so now i keep it...
  13. L

    Co2 Beer Emissions

    but I'm on water restrictions :o ;) lou
  14. L

    Is This Element Ok For A Hlt?

    yep i have that exact set up - with one element - it is a bit slow and i will probably up grade a t some point to 2 but it works a treat anyhow - with a separate thermostate attached lou
  15. L


    My latest brown ale was styrian goldings all the way it even had an ounce chucked in the no chill cube - the flavour is overpowering - can hardly taste the malt at all althought the orangey marmaladey taste is very very prominent the hop aroma i find a bit off myself but I am sure this hop...
  16. L

    Brew Sculpture

    lou here I have a three tier - pic in the gallery - mine isn't even welded - its all bolted together! - buts its made of 5mm angle iron - very stable -could hold a car - I have absolutely no worries about stability - a stand to get up to stir the mash and fill the HLT is pretty much a...
  17. L

    Proper Hopping When Using No-chill

    I just tasted my first keg where I added 1 oz of pellet hops to the cube as flamout/aroma hops. theres a lot of hop flavour and a nice dose of hop aroma - but i used styrian goldings and the taste isn't very nice - it has a kinda plasticy/vanilla flavour next time will go for somthing i...
  18. L

    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    back to the actual topic of no chill brews I chucked 25 g of aroma hops in my last cube. this beer will be ready to drink in a week what re other peoples experiences of doing this - does it add much flavour/ aroma - does it work -is it worth doing - i will report back with my experiences...
  19. L

    Mt Macedon Ale By Holegate Brewhouse

    I'd like to know what hops they use too - but for their yeast you can just reculture from the bottle! lou
  20. L

    Whats In The Glass Pics

    so what does rye do to a beer? lou