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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Brooksy

    Those Darn Hops

    3 Lines!! Just 3 lines!! Just 3 simple bl**dy lines. ;) Thank you Wardhog. That being the absolute base principle, something I haven't read before, now things are falling into place...... Brilliant. Thank you Sir. :beer:
  2. Brooksy

    Those Darn Hops

    Thank you for the replies guys, but pardon my ignorance. I assumed that all the volatile oils would be liberated from the hops & wort after about 10 minutes boiling - oh dear, that's a bit wrong. Stuster - yes sir I have purchased a range of hop pellets: Super Pride 14%AA Super Alpha 11%AA...
  3. Brooksy

    Those Darn Hops

    G'day all, At the moment I am trying to get my head around hops and their procedures. I have purchased various hop pellets after experimenting with the "tea bags", but questions still exist. As far as I could workout, bitterness is bitterness, so why are different hops added at different...
  4. Brooksy

    Yeast Question

    G'day Shamus, I had a similar problem, pitched an ale yeast into my Stout last night. I found no sign of action this morning, brew temp 20. I unscrewed the lid a bit and reseated it then gave the fermenter a shake and now I have action of 2 bubbles per minute abt 25sec (2 hour later). Checking...
  5. Brooksy

    Hydroponic Hops

    Water level with rhyzomes (rhizomes) is very important. The bulbous part of the root system cannot be completely submerged underwater for long periods of time otherwise they will rot. Your watering system must allow for a 'tidal' conditions - high tide, and low tide. High tide - water over...
  6. Brooksy

    Big Whoops With Stout :(

    Hey Astrogeek, Just an off shoot :) Next time try a toucan (two can) Coopers Stout. Brilliant! :chug: Add nothin' else, no dex, sugar, nothin'. Maybe a bit of Corn Syrup, but really not necessary. Bit strong, but will be ready for the depths of Winter. Keep the ball bearings from...
  7. Brooksy

    Half Size Brews

    Bog, Any kit is available for use in a half brew. Use the entire can and no sugar/dextrose. You will end up with an all malt brew @ abt 6.5 - 7.0% ABV. I've done many different ones and I can assure you that the 'cheapies' turn out far, far better that their suppliers instructions. All you are...
  8. Brooksy

    Drying Bottles After Sanitising

    You got it. :) I was always told that the less time the bottle internals are exposed to the air the better, so the less time between the final rinse and filling the better. Good luck and good brewing. I.B.
  9. Brooksy

    Yeast Lag Time

    Visually check your brew for signs of activity if nothing showing in airlock. May not have an airtight seal.
  10. Brooksy

    Drying Bottles After Sanitising

    I use some concoction from LHBS. 1. Soak bottles in washer/santizer for 24hrs prior to bottling (regardless) 2. Rinse with clean water. 3. Santize 4. Allow to stand with sanitizer residue for at least 10 mins 5. Rinse with clean water. 6. Bottle Had one inconsistent failure. Following step 5 I...
  11. Brooksy

    Lager Smells And Tastes Bad

    You got it mate. Once you've worked out a system, you'll be right. Unfortunately I'm paranoid about the cleaniness, now after some stuff ups years ago, my system is in place and followed religiously. Checking, washing, double washing...... Drives SWMBO nuts, just watching........... 1060...
  12. Brooksy

    Lager Smells And Tastes Bad

    Regulator, 100% of what Adam has advised....... Except Unfortunately I don't agree with using brushes around plastic fermentation equipment, regardless of how soft they are, I'm pedantic about this. I prefer to use my hands and basically rub and scrub everything with my hands, thus minimising...
  13. Brooksy

    Stout Advice

    Bad luck mate. :lol: :lol: I.B.
  14. Brooksy

    Tooheys Dark Ale Not Fermenting!

    Activating your yeast in luke warm water may have put your yeast into shock. Always measure the temp of your starter before putting the yeast in. 35 - 40 is still in the lukewarm area and is way too hot for most yeasts (not that you used these temps, example only). Aim to have a maximum temp of...
  15. Brooksy

    Fermentation Time?

    Don't forget to let us know if the brew's ok.
  16. Brooksy

    Coopers Bitter

    I think it would be prudent to try them first mate. For me (a pensioner), it is simply a matter of an ecomonic solution to get a better beer. Where else can you buy LME for about $6.00 a kilo? As far as I'm personally concerned, toucan cheapies are by far better than a single can + kilo, 2 kilo...
  17. Brooksy

    Where Did I Go Wrong?

    That's what it is there for matey...... :chug: :lol: At least it didn't turn out sh*t. Why don't you take it off line, charge it and leave it for a month or two - if you can spare the keg of course. One of my brews I noticed was bubbling out the a/l. I took the lid off to clean everything...
  18. Brooksy

    Coopers Bitter

    I am waiting for my CB to mature now. I used 2 cans to 23 litres (toucan brew) or you can used 1 can to 11.5 litres. No added sugar or dextrose, just 100g corn syrup. OG 1056, FG 1010. Initial taste @ 7 days (to check gas) was pretty good. Now at 10 days in bottle it looks nice and clean (with...
  19. Brooksy

    Strange Floaties

    Harley, Don't agitate your fermenter. Keep these floaties as floaties not sinkies. This stuff can add a horrible smell and bitter taste to your brew if it recombines. Be really careful moving your fermenter around and you'll be right as rain. Brew colour looks good, hope it tastes as good as...
  20. Brooksy

    Stupid Newbie Question

    Don't forget that you are removing brew to measure SG's as well so depending what sort of testing vessel you are using and how many times you test SG, your overall volume is reduced accordingly. Measure your testing vessel and allow for say 3 SG tests and adjust your starting batch to reflect...