Stupid Newbie Question

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Hey when i bottle my beer if the fermenter is filled to 23 litres i don't get 30 bottles of 740 mL out of it. Am i doing something wrong?

And does anyone else tip their fermenter to try and get more out of it or is this just gonna end up giving you shit in the last couple beers?
depends on how much airspace you leave and how much trub you want to include. 30 is a guide, could be 28,29,31,32. I always clean up a few more bottles than i need just incase.
Bottle as much of it as you can, but not too much trub, you'll get the hang of it :)
Hey ET,

I've had from 22 up to 33 tallies out of the fermenter until I calibrated the volume. Makes life easier! My dad and I discussed this at length and we both tip the fermenter to get as many as possible out - sometimes one is a little cloudy!

When you use good yeast, the cake it forms will set like a flan enableing you to tip the fermenter with ease. And you can toss the yeast into the next batch a few times (if similar beer style)!


If you use an accurate measure, you can fill the fermenter to 18lt, then 22,23,24 and 25lt and mark it with a texta on the out side. makes it easy to fill up to the correct amount.
I always seem to get 1-2 bottles fewer than what the manufacturer claims on the kits.
I tip the fermenter carefully to get as much out as possible, as already said you can get a bit of cloudy sediment in the last bottle, but seems to settle during conditioning and with careful pouring is quite drinkable.
Don't forget that you are removing brew to measure SG's as well so depending what sort of testing vessel you are using and how many times you test SG, your overall volume is reduced accordingly.

Measure your testing vessel and allow for say 3 SG tests and adjust your starting batch to reflect this.

You may be very close to overboarding during krausen now, a higher initial level (say 24l) may be a be a cleanliness hazard.
Hey when i bottle my beer if the fermenter is filled to 23 litres i don't get 30 bottles of 740 mL out of it. Am i doing something wrong?

And does anyone else tip their fermenter to try and get more out of it or is this just gonna end up giving you shit in the last couple beers?

I had a couple of stubbies of a toucan stout with about an inch of trub in the bottom. (why not, i thought).

Tried one last week after about 10 months. I carefully left the trub in the stubbie as I poured it out.
It tasted like a Stout, but with a jar of vegemite and a cup of beef stock mixed in for good measure.
Needless to say, I tipped it straight down the drain.

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