Yeast Question

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I tried reculturing some CoopersPale Ale yeast using dextrose instead if malt. (I know I shouldn;t have, but I didn't have any malt). It didn't go crazy or anyhting like that but the bottle did pressurize a bit. Anyway, I put a batch down on the weekend (Coopers Bitter, 1kg BE1 and 1 plug EK Goldings steeped for 10mins then thrown in) and poured the "starter" in and left it overnight. Next morning there was no action at all so I panicked and threw the kit yeast in as well. 3 hrs later the airlock was bubbling.
Now heres the question: What yeast do you think is doing the work? Would the kit yeast have started that quickly or was the PA yeast just starting to take off?
G'day Shamus,
I had a similar problem, pitched an ale yeast into my Stout last night. I found no sign of action this morning, brew temp 20. I unscrewed the lid a bit and reseated it then gave the fermenter a shake and now I have action of 2 bubbles per minute abt 25sec (2 hour later). Checking it every hour for bubble rate.

IMO, could have been either that has started, may have been a seal problem also and when you repitched, that was enough to reseal.

Anyway, she's brewing like a bewdy now so kick back and enjoin the show :chug:

I've read other threads that say the CPA yeast can be slow staring, but never tried it myself.
How long was your starter hanging around for shamus??? Those Coopers recultures tend to take 2-3 days to really fire.
That said I would've thought 3 hours after pitching the dry would've been too quick for the dry to be really firing so I'd probably say in that time frame it's your reculture that's kicking in.

My guess is you'll end up with something having pretty even characteristics of both yeasts with your CPA yeast being a little different given that you've started it on dexy.
Oh what a shame that you weren't 3 hrs more patient.

My only reculture took 24 hours to start bubbling.

I had a failure and waited 2 days to add more yeast and the delay didn't seem to do any damage.
Hey shamus,
I've just cultured up 1 stubbie for pitching into an AG pale ale, I started with 10g DLME in 100ml, took 2-3 days to kick off, then stepped it up to 500ml and now 1L and will pitch on Wednesday. CPA can be real slow to start, depending on the handling that it's gone through from brewery to you. Just be a bit more patient next time and have a sniff/taste before pitching and have a dry (I like US-56) on hand for back up incase it's no good.
I'd say the kit yeast is taking over - reculturing using dextrose alone is no good, the yeast needs other stuff to be able to build new cells, so wort is best ( a bit of a zinc tablet helps as well ).

If your yeast is taking 3 days to fire in the full batch, watch out for sulfur and the usual stuff that stressed yeast can create, along with a high chance of infection. Start off with 100 to 200mL of 1.040 malt starter and build it up to about 1L before pitching, which will probably take a day or two.

You'll be OK this time though, with the kit yeast.
What ever yeast is doing the work it doesn't really matter at this stage because whats done is done. so sit back and see how it turns out
Does anyone know what kind of yeast coopers use in the pale ale? is it close to like say US-56 or wyeast 1056? i want to try this oneday, but not sure if it's better to just start with a good quality dry or liquid yeast and reculture after the first batch.

cheers :beer:

I've read and heard that White Labs Australian Ale WLP009 is the same as Coopers, if not it is a good substitute, I've been told US-56 is the same as 1056 and it's an American ale yeast, US-56 is definately my favourite dry yeast but has different characteristics to Coopers yeast.

Edit: If you are interested in farming yeast check out the Yeast Farming post from Chiller, it is very good advise.

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