Your Wife And Beer

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does your wife/girlfriend/partner complain about you drinking too much and spending too much time wi

  • yes, she complains a lot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no, it's not even an issue in my house

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do what I want, ignore the woman!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
My Mrs loves beer as much as I do it's a good thing.
She's just allocated me a few grand to build the bar I've always wanted.


What about finishing the Red Rocket Brewery Franko :p

Pumpy ;)
I have been warned.

"Do not stop brewing, or else"!!

I have no other option but to go on.

"What about finishing the Red Rocket Brewery Franko :p "

Will do pumpy :beerbang:
mine doesnt mind my current K,KnB adventures.. shes not a beer drinker, but since trying a by the book coopers cervaza, we've discovered its the bitterness that gets her.. doesnt mind me brewing as long as the place is tidy after (currently KnK in the kitchen)..
in the process of acquiring AG-BIAB gear, so we'll see what happens when i suddenly have a real brew-rig parked on the back patio ;)
Tell her to get back in the kitchen and cook you some eggs...

just jokes baby if you read this.
My wife doesn't drink beer period. Loves champagne, but beer just isn't for her. I brew her a batch of Ginger Beer once a year (it lasts her a year).

But back to the question:
If she isn't into beer, or a big drinker, then if you exhibit all those qualities then of course she will be on your back.
My take is that it is all about exposure. If you are always brewing/drinking/on AHB then in her eyes your priorities are wrong.
Have a balance between beer related activites and everything else. Beer isn't the #1 priority. I have a young family and very busy professional life, and wife that isn't into beer. However I get to spend plenty of time on AHB, my kegs and fermenters are always full.
Time scheduling, prioritization and balance.
In my case, brewing beer that I and my mates enjoy, makes me happy plus doing well in a few comps so she can brag to her friends means I get to keep the dream alive.

Starting to ramble...out,

Edit: bit more rambling.

Hay doc. i think you listen to to much John Laws!!!! lol!!!
I have a wonderfully understanding wife :wub:
She bought me my Coopers brewing kit about 4 years ago (and I'm sure she regrets it sometimes). She listens patiently to my ramblings, the constant redirection of conversations back to beer so on and so on. It was her that gently suggested that would I like to buy some kegs after one day I was lamenting about the woe's of bottling. My wife loves a Corona with the wedge of lemon (I certainly fell short on my first attempt in emulating that stuff with my K&K& Ale Yeast :D ) one day I'll have a crack at it again with and AG recipe

Like Doc, for me it's about priorities. If I didn't pull my weight around the place with our family with two young lads 5Yo and 8 months then I couldn't possibly expect any support for my passion. I only brew about 8 times a year (double batches help) and my consumption reflects the amount I brew. I'm keen to stay happily married (the past 13 have been great) and I'm keen to keep brewing for the long term too.
Life is Good :super:
I reckon most of you blokes are making this up. The amount of grief my partner/wife/whatever puts me through is enough to want to make a lesser bloke turn to religion. But I press on, that's the main thing, because I know a better beer is just around the corner, you just got to give the current one a tweak or two.
She's just pissed off because she can't drink the stuff.
I feel very sorry for those of you whose wives have issues with your brewing. My wife is great.

I met her shortly after I started brewing. She loves my beer and for quite some time has refused to drink commercial stuff. Initially she loved only the lighter styles (I still can't brew enough weizen for her), but recently she has become fond of strong Belgians and APAs. I never thought I'd see the day when she'd CHOOSE a hoppy APA over a kolsch, but it's happened. More than once.

True story: I wrote the BJCP exam 3 weeks after returning from my honeymoon. Writing the exam entailed a 7 hour drive to Calgary with either her driving and me studying or me driving and her quizzing me. Two days later, we took the 7 hour drive back. She didn't complain at all about it, either. What foreshadowing for what the rest of the marriage was going to be like. :beer:
It'd be interesting to post the same question on a AA board and see what happens.

My wife is pretty good about the beer set-up I have. I never have more that one batch on the go at a time because it clutters up too much of the house. She'll have the odd beer and I know I have a good one if she wants to drink a whole one herself.

Having said that, your situation is more complicated that just responding to her by saying "there's worse things on earth." She's a non-drinker and may have good reasons for it. Maybe there were alcoholics in her family or she's had bad personal experience with beer. Or maybe she just doesn't like the taste of beer. Some people don't like apples. No big deal.

But perhaps her issue isn't the beer itself but that it's getting in the way of other shared activities or getting help with other stuff around the house. You probably get the idea. It's maybe not really about the beer at all, if you catch my drift.

On the other hand, it might be the case that you have a situation that is headed for trouble. If you love having BBQ steaks every second night and she's a vegetarian you can bet that something like that would eventually become a larger and larger irritant with the passage of time... if she's throwing the word alcholic around you can be sure that the matter is not one to simply brush off...
I reckon most of you blokes are making this up. The amount of grief my partner/wife/whatever puts me through is enough to want to make a lesser bloke turn to religion. But I press on, that's the main thing, because I know a better beer is just around the corner, you just got to give the current one a tweak or two.
She's just pissed off because she can't drink the stuff.

:lol: ...I can prove my missus totaly supports my brewing hobby...

and here is all the proof i need.. CLICK HERE..

Sqyre... ;)
I can vouch for Mrs Sqyre's support for Sqyre's brewing. You can see the pride when she talks about his "Shed...Bar...Pub..." and his Stairway to Heaven brewery. Oh, and the is bigger than their house :lol: .
Ask her if yshe would prefer you to change your hobby to playing Golf , a far more expensive hobby .

As regards becoming an alchoholic , I think that is an addiction Gene if you cant give up smoking you could have a problem with alchohol . if that is the case she is right .

Pumpy :)

My wife bought my hb kit for my birthday. If she mentions it's all I ever talk about etc, I mention that I could take up trainspotting or bird watching. And tell her with huge excitement about each train I see, or the hooded spincter bird I spotted on the way home.

Having her being a non-drinker doesn't help your situation. A mate here at work gets those alcoholic questions if he has 2 glasses of wine a week.

Definitely, give a raspberry or strawberry beer a go for her. (strawberries are at least cheaper).
Just get a cheap kit and stick in about 1.5kg of berries. There are threads around here with all the info.
My wife said mine "wasn't disgusting", so I took that as a compliment :D
Well considering my wife was the one that bought me the kit, found this site and found my local club I can consider her fairly supportive :D

She likes a beer and has accompanied me on many beer adventures and the whole reason for buying me a kit was so that we could continue to enjoy the range of beers that we had gotten used to living un the UK without breaking the bank.

She does occasionally shake her head and wonder if the planned objective of finding me other people to talk yeast and hops with hasn't backfired slightly...
Its not an issue in my house :beer:
My wife does not drink but lets me brew when I want/need to. Very understanding of all the smells and mess in the kitchen and was even more understanding and supportive when I took up BIAB and had to brew outside. :D
Just having had our first child brewing has been put on the backburner. I've got a dark ale, Belgian pale and Belgian dark all in fermenters waiting to either be bottled or CC'd. Just can't find the time (or sleep!).

Squire, I was just thinking of your Pub and low and behold you posted it! Thats the dream :super:

My wife bought me a coopers kit about 4 or 5 years ago, thinking it was a great christmas gift. It was. Now she wishes she never even got it for me. Prior to getting the Coopers Kit I did not drink much beer at all, probably one case over the year and a special christmas case for December <_<
But now I have Temp controled fermentation, seperate beer storage fridge, a march pumped brewery and ready to drink a Kolsch, Golden Ale clone, English strong, Vienna, Doppelbock, Chock Porter and and preparing my next brew as we speak.
I guess you can say that SHE has created a MONSTER :D :D :D

My girlfriend loves my beers more than ME!!!

Plus the cost saving, she's over the moon.
Mines fine about it as long as I don't piss on too much, have a couple of AFD's every week and don't kill any of the garden with hot wort, hot water etc during brewing. SHe's a Pilsner drinker if she's having a beer and I've only just come close to making a good one although she's always commenting that the beers are too bitter !
My wife thinks I am obsessed..... I believe she is correct :blink:



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