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Thats right.... that bloody monkey has hijacked this thread....
When your doing a piss and look down and see the brand of the toilet is caroma and then stand there thinking mmmmm caraaroma :icon_drool2:

This is ME!!!! :p
When you take a sound recording of your action (and by action I mean airlock activity) and play it over the loudspeaker at work so that non-brewers can enjoy the sweet and sexy sounds of 2 fermenters blooping in harmony.
When your making 2 minute noodles and think when adding the flavour sachet as "hop additions"... I even "dry hop" a bit into the bowl with a bit of butter and dump the noodles on top.... mmmmmmmm :D
When you phone starts to auto correct spelling of hops and grain. are considering buying a $3500 stainless steel pot..........
A 3500 dollar stainless steel pot that makes consistently awesome beer!
when you get rid of the wife so you can turn the kitchen into a brewery.
Its the only way to truly get rid of any wife :lol:
Like this?

Was watching that when in the middle suddenly the youtube screen turned white with a circled exlamation mark in the middle. If I try watching again the screen just stays black.

Have they blocked it while I was watching it or what?
Last edited by a moderator:
Still works for me.

Do you have any kind of weird childproof filter thing on that can detect slightly nasty suggested imagery in Youtube clips? Less graphic than slightly disturbing (and if you've seen the film itself, you'll know what I mean).
I had trouble viewing it, kept going all color blurry
Tried in a different browser, worked alright now, thanks.
I know I got excited when my 3068 krausen jumped out of the fermenter, burst out of the fridge and leaked all over the floor.

Was less excited cleaning it up!
you get angry when you go to run the kolsch you are drinking way too young through the filter - but where the **** has the o-ring gone? 20 minutes of furious turning upside down of **** reveals nothing because it was outside all along from when you excitedly unscrewed the filter housing to go give it a quick rinse

then after the filtering you don't know whether to be sad or angry that you didn't release the prv on the filter before you disconnected old hosey and the yeasty dregness spat out everywhere and all over **** that doesn't like getting beer on it - but you laugh coz it's funny, it stinks and it happened to you

then after that is all cleaned up you don't know whether to be more sad or more happy at the 2 litres of beer on the floor overflowing from the keg you just transferred the latest batch into - but as a plus your garage now smells like beer

fark what a night
You see a 3m cyclone fence topped with 6 rows of barbed wire and your first thought is: "That would make an awesome trellis."
