You Can Lead A Horse To Water...

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Hey Jimmy,
The next step up from Kit and kilos is to try some hops and specialty grains, and yeast strains that are different than what you get in kits.

Look around the forum (try oliver and geoff's homebrew site too) and look at what other homebrewers are doing with their recipes. Just ask lots of questions and you'll get plenty of advice.

Best advice is to watch someone else do a brew and go from there. Really takes away alot of the mystery. Fill in your location and someone nearby will no doubt let you come over for a brew day.



What he said,

nothing to lose and everything to gain

and you get to go over to their house and drink their beer :)

nothing like being able to ask a million questions while someone is brewing.
Anyways got talking with my mayes old man about his brewing and he's just doing straight K&K's the old skool way...yep u guessed it 1KG of white suguar and a kit (i tasted a pot of it and almost spewed, i dont mind melb's or VB's or anything but this was just plain horrible, worst bit was i had to be NICE and drink the whole pot then say it was OK).

I've never done just a tin and a kilo of sugar. After reading all these, you've got me convinved I should try one
Yeah. Maybe you could make the sugar into invert sugar (home made candi sugar) to give the beer a boutique edge.
g'day all
being quite new to hb i am always searching this site and reading the threads trying to learn as much as possible. the hobby is fast turning into an obsession with many hours spent on this site and seaching the web for new equiptment etc.
i have to be honest this site can be very overwhelming and intimidating for a newby. im not afraid of putting in the extra hours or spending extra on brews to get the best out of it. problem i have is inexperiance and lack of knowlage on different beers and methods of brewing them in general. i learn very fast but not from text, i'm a watch and learn type of guy. so i never really know if im doing it right or even if the beer tastes like it sould for that mater cos i dont have a point of reference.
my beer is always drinkable and i really like it but i never know if it could be better or not. i am really looking forward to expanding my knowlage in this subject and want to thank all you pros for the wealth of knowlage that helps us newbies along!
i am currently just using the can kits but do try to get the best out of it by speaking to my loacal hb shop owner who is really helpfull and patient for answering all my q's. but untill i found this site i had no idea of how far u can take this hobby/obsetion! will be moving to kegs as soon as finances permit. i plan on doing it right first time.
one day i would love to watch someone with experience put down an AG brew to learn the tehnique, so that i too can get the most out of brewing.
keep up the good work guys cheers!
wow i really did dribble on there didn't i !!

spose what i was trying to say was.....
if i were the horse led to the water, i would most certainly drink!! :chug:
ha ha ha ha
fill in your location details reaper. no doubt someone in your area could help you out and show you a few things.
Yeah. Maybe you could make the sugar into invert sugar (home made candi sugar) to give the beer a boutique edge.

When you buy "brewing sugar" from the supermarket (e.g. Coopers or I think I've seen CSR brand too) - is the sugar just sucrose or is it some funky invert-like stuff?
I was "privileged" enough to be invited over to try my wife's grandfather's mate's brew earlier in the year. I'd had mixed reports (from the old fella, and my father in-law). I turned up and was served a pot of fizzy yellow stuff that was overcarbonated ("maintains a good head eh?"), and obviously fermented in 2 days at 30+ degrees (Sunshine Coast). I asked him about his ingredients... Which ever kit is cheapest at the time: homebrand, savings, farmland... you get the picture... and a kilo of sugar. bottled in 2 litre coke bottles. He reckons he going to come down when the grandfather does his first K&K brew... Can't wait to see his face when he tries whatever AG beer I give him... :lol:

He'll probably think it's got too much flavour.
My brother's father-in-law was pretty handy with his K&K. I knew little about beer and nothing about brewing.

I wondered aloud one day if it would be possible to make beer from grain just like the breweries do. The response was along the lines of "It might be possible, but I don't think anyone would bother."

I gave up on the idea of home brewing until Palmer's book arrived in my Christmas stocking ten years later.
one day i would love to watch someone with experience put down an AG brew to learn the tehnique, so that i too can get the most out of brewing.

im no expert but , if youre keen im putting on a brew tomorrow morning , your more than welcome to come over and have a look at what goes on , although its a bit of a hike to sydney just to brew beer... gimme a call if your keen 0419 523 680 ,

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