Yet Another Keg Question

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I'm trying to get my first kegging set up running and not yet having any joy.
I went with what I thought was the 'lots of patience, little problems method' of simply setting the keg to pressure (100kpa) and temp (4C) and leaving for a week for all things to balance out. After a week I connected up the tap and only gas comes out ... not even any foam <_<

What gives? anyone got some thoughts

Ps Anyone live near Colac and keg?
Have you checked that your tap is connected to your "out" post (the post with the diptube attached)?
yep, sounds like you've got your in and out posts backwards. The dip tube goes to the bottom so that beer is forced up it. If only gas is coming out, either you forgot to put the beer in first, or your tap isn't connected to a tube that goes to the bottom. I guess it's also possible the diptube has a hole at the top?
... and did you find that the keg gas in/liquid out connections were really hard to get on?
There are slight size differences between the posts.

If you have them around the wrong way, one disconnect is going to come off easy, the other is going to take alot of swearing and force.

The grey gas disconnect is hooked up to the post that has the very short dip tube. The base of the disconnect, around where you fit the spanner will have a groove in it. Often the keg will have "in" or "out" stamped somewhere near one of the posts.

A handy kegging reminder is to remember the letter G, grey, gas and groove.

The letter B for black disconnect and beer.

Hope you get to pour a beer soon.
Nope I've got the posts the right way around, the grey gas connect is to IN.

Not sure why my beer and gas don't want to mix??

Other thoughts?
Turn off the gas, pull the pressure release valve. Disassemble your keg according to this, and inspect the posts, seals, poppets and diptubes. I suspect it'll be the seal around the top of the liquid out diptube, or possibly a crack/hole in the top of the diptube itself. Or the diptube could be missing altogether, or possible the wrong diptube in the wrong post.
...or the gasket at the outlet dip tube is broken, so the gas can directly go into the ball valve.

Did you get a result on this Jimi?

If not, it occurred to me that you can test a few of those theories without wasting all the gas. Just turn the keg upside down. If beer then flows out the beer out post, it means you've got the diptubes round the wrong way. I guess if it foams like mad, or you just get gas again, that probably means you've got a crack or a dodgy seal around the top of the diptube, because it's easier for the gas to work its way through that crack than for the beer to be forced up the diptube when the keg's the right way up, but it's easier for the gas to come down the diptube than it is for the beer to work its way through that crack when the keg's upside down.
Thanks for all the advice Lethal and co.

It appears that when genius here rebuilt that keg I put the dip tube under the gas in post. :rolleyes:
I rebuilt 3 of those little suckers and this one (the first to be filled) had to be the only one I messed up the dip tube with!!
I've simply attached that post now to my tap and the beer is flowing :beer:

Thanks again all :icon_cheers:

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