Is there any reason you wouldn't collect the yeast vials after growing the starter?
If you collected the vials of yeast from the starter just before pitching, wouldn't that yeast have grown more cells, and thus you're able to pitch more to your current beer?
Thanks - this is a very good article.
Yes you can but the idea here isnt to pitch more cells from the vial..... its to save the first gen yeast from the pack to build up before pitching.
If you ferment it in the starter, then save it, then fermeent it again in a starter, then add it to your brew..... its done a bit more, and if you have a small bug in your starter...... your entire system of vials for that yeast is ruined.
Strait from the smack pack is safe.
strait from the smack pack means its as fresh as your going to get it.
Another thing to remember is that each time yeast ferments, the stronger of the bunch survive and the weaker die....... its life! For the brew this means each time you repitch the yeast..... it will be a bit different. we call it mutation.
with some yeasts, it may get better over a few brews, but with others like some belgian and wheat yeasts that produce complex esters which are important to their use....... the usually stop producing these esters and flavours because the yeast mutates, and the weaker cells that made the funky flavours we love soooo much reduce in volume, while oter stronger cleaner or worse... blander cells get stronger.
So thats why i save from the pack. Its one less ferment closer to perfection!