Year Old Tin?

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I have a couple of year old kits that I want to use, they will have been exposed to both quite high and low temps while they've been sitting in a garage, I was just wondering if they and the yeasts that have come with them will be ok to use? Watcha reckon?


I have a couple of year old kits that I want to use, they will have been exposed to both quite high and low temps while they've been sitting in a garage, I was just wondering if they and the yeasts that have come with them will be ok to use? Watcha reckon?

hi what type of kits...
i'd personally bail on the yeast ...dump them down accordingly on a previous yeast cake (at correct temp)...also depending on type of kit add all the usual suspects (specialty grains ...hop...etc..)
i'd personally hop 'em up quite a bit flavour wise and you never know you may avoid tasting any off flavours from using such old kits...just me 2 cents is all
cheers simpletotoro
Yep, ditch the yeast, it'll be more than likely rooted. I think the best thing you could do would be to boil the contents of a kit in water for at least 10-15 minutes (this will , then cool it and add it to a fresher kit instead of the kg of sugar/dextrose/whatever. Top up to 25L if you want a similar strength beer to a standard kit.
Year old or a year out of date?

If they're a year old they might be OK but definitely replace the yeast.
If they're year out of date. They make great door stops

Im with them boys, chuck the yeast and have a crack at brewing the cans with some real yeast, US-05, S-04 etc. Better off at all times brewing with fresh stuff but dont give up on old extract. My place is 40C in summer and -5 in winter so makes it interesting. Haven't had a chuck out batch yet!
Thanks for the tips guys. One of the tins is a Coopers Lager i think, the other however is a ESB 3kg Australian Draught which I have heard are quite good. So thats the one im hoping will still be in good nick, it isnt out of date or anything so I'll give it a go. What type of hops does anyone think would go well with it?
Thanks for the tips guys. One of the tins is a Coopers Lager i think, the other however is a ESB 3kg Australian Draught which I have heard are quite good. So thats the one im hoping will still be in good nick, it isnt out of date or anything so I'll give it a go. What type of hops does anyone think would go well with it?

its up to you but for my money ....
for the lager i'd go with this recipe ...

lager kit
750 g ldm
250 g dried wheat malt
350 g dextrose
300-400 g caramunich malt grain
20 g chocolate grain
12 g Hersbrucker hops @ 15 mins
10 g Tettnanger hops @ 15 mins
5 g Hersbrucker hops @ 5 mins
5 g Tettnanger hops @ 5 mins
5 g Hersbrucker hops @ 0-1 mins
5 g Tettnanger hops @ 0-1 mins
us -05 ale yeast (very neutral yeast)
yeast pitched at about 16 -18 /c
ferment at 18 /c or there about with this yeast

for the esb ...never used one maybe POR or saaz 10-20g@ 10 mins or so ...not sure really...would use us-05 again unless you want the hassle of using a true lager yeast....

below is a hop guide by bconnery that i find helpful
View attachment hopsguide.xls
cheers simpletotoro

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