Ye Old Beers

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Hey there fellow brew fans.

I've dug up some old shiz from the beer collection ( about 70+ bottles ) from around the 70's to 80's

I've posted some photos in my gallery if anyone is interested, might put them on ebay for the collectors ( or a few HB's from you )

some interesting ones :

Trip to Jerusalem inn - 8th century ale ( prolly late 80's )

gold label barley wine ( out of date from dec 1985- ) might still be good ?

Old ham brewery - Old tom strong ale ( No F' idea )

have a lot more, if anyones interested let me know.

if there a waste of my space, tell me now before i waste more time taking photos and posting.

oh yer, market place maybe was a better spot to put this , feel free to mod it about moder's

Cheer-brew ! Freeman !



Remember Gold Label Barley Wine brewed by Whitbread about 10% alcohol came in a small bottle less than 1/2 a pint. Used to finish up a drinking session with a couple of barley wines before hitting the hop pillow.

Very nice drop even the ladies enjoyed a Gold Label.

I would only risk drinking a 1985 vintage if after popping the lid it actually still smelled like a beer.
Then I would risk a small mouthful.

Reminds me must have a shot a doing a Barley Wine sometime think Muntons do a BW kit.
I reckon you should give some of them a try!
If you have doubles of something especially.
Just be careful though...they may be packed full of sediment so you might have to filter/decant them before trying. And if they smell like vinegar (or worse), down the drain sounds good!
I reckon you should give some of them a try!
Just be careful though...they may be packed full of sediment so you might have to filter/decant them before trying.

I'd personally be giving them a go. I've tasted quite a few beers from that era, we used to pick them up from the collectables section at CAMRA festivals and taste them for a laugh. Most were terribly oxidised, but every once in a while there was one that was actually quite good.

Agree with the above post - decant into a jug or carafe first.

I wonder if there is any relationship between the "Old Tom" beer there and the one produced by Robinsons? The latter is quite tasty.

I won't die lol ?

You won't die :) At worst it'll taste like either horrible cheap sherry, or vinegar.

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