Xmas In July Tasting - VIC

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Nullnvoid's Am. Amber
Beautiful to look at, red and clear as a whistle. Maybe some late american hops. Initially I thought there was some biscuitiness but I lost that as it warmed up and the strong brown sugar and toffee came through. Supporting bitterness, suitable for style. Long sweet finish (could be a little drier). If this was my beer, I'd be very happy with it and would look forward to serving it with friends as well as enjoying it myself.
Aside: This was my missus' first beer after finishing a detox. Ambers are her favourite and she had an elated look on her face the whole time. She said it had a "very deep flavour", whatever that means

Grainer's Robust
Burnt cereal aroma with some alcohol. Light malt flavour with mild roasted graininess. Some choc notes came through as it warmed up. Fantastic mouthfeel; the carbonation level really showcased this beer well.

I hadn't had an English IPA before and not knowing what to expect, kept my expectations restrained. They were far exceeded! Just a big-but-not-too-big, well-rounded beer. Buggered if I can put the taste into words on this one, but really enjoyable and has opened my eyes to the style.

Camo6 Rye IPA
Moderate hop aroma (could be higher), nice caramel maltiness and good hop bitterness and flavour coming through in the flavour. As you stated, carbonation could have been a little higher, but I'm fairly certain my swap beer is going to be on the low side myself, so no stones thrown from me on that! Would definitely drink more of this.
DJ_L3THAL Chestnut Pilsner

Appearance/ body: Pours a hazy straw colour with very low carbonation. No head or lacing consistent with low carbonation, but I am sure the chestnut have affected the head and are probably responsible for haziness. Needs more carbonation. A bit of carbonic bite would be nice.

Aroma: citrus and passionfruit, no malt or chestnuts

Taste: Moderate citrus and passionfruit new world hops dominate. Cant taste the malt nor the chestnuts, although I am unsure what to expect. Clean fermentation.

Overall: a really enjoyable beer that would be improved with more carbonation. Not sure if the chestnuts are evident. Overall a really enjoyable new world pilsner. Good job.
3A - Mardoo - American brown ale

This is a biiiiiiiiiig beer. I've come down with a bit if a cold which is impacting on my ability to taste/smell unfortunately, but what I can taste is delicious. Lovely fruity hop flavour which is balanced by the malt. Bitterness is spot on to my taste. No hot fusals for me, but certainly gives a nice warmth in the belly. This is a very enjoyable beer and I'm stoked I've somehow snagged a second bottle of it (along with a 3B)!! Well brewed mate.
8. Relaxed brewer - Oatmeal stout

Blew its top and lost a bit of brew.
Appearance: Huge head that faded very quick, Dark with sediment that got blew up from opening the brew. No head after about 1 min.

Aroma: Strong chocolate roasts..

Taste.. Nice mouth feel and bitterness. Very solid roast and carbonation a little too much for me.

Overall pleasant brew
8. Relaxed brewer - ESB

Over carbonated.. hard to get the glass even 1/2 full, Huge Head, Crystal amber colour, light malts my wife said she smells strawberries & caramel, with sweetness, mild alcohol and bitterness. was expecting a little more, mind u I have not had very many ESBs.
10b Chocolate almond stout..

Have to admit this smells weird.. I dropped it so my fault.. but yeah weird..

Let it settle for quite a while..maybe over carbonated??? Tastes weird mate...u got some funky stuff join on here..lol

Strong nutty almond smells .. did you use extract ?? Good experiment, but don't think its my thing ...
Grainer said:
10b Chocolate almond stout..

Have to admit this smells weird.. I dropped it so my fault.. but yeah weird..

Let it settle for quite a while..maybe over carbonated??? Tastes weird mate...u got some funky stuff join on here..lol

Strong nutty almond smells .. did you use extract ?? Good experiment, but don't think its my thing ...
Just opened mine, big time gusher. Lucky its in a PET bottle otherwise we'd have another bomb. Its still gushing in my sink and half the bottle has gushed out. Hoping to get a taste of what is left :-(
10b Meats - Chocolate Almomd Stout

As above has gushing issue. Tasted this and it reminds me of a choc stout I brewed and I think I use too much choc malt as it has a similar taste, hard to explain other than a fuzzy burnt flavour that doesnt belong. The roast flavour is probably a bit too overpowering, nothing to bring it back. Also agree with Grainer there is a slightly eggy smell in the background of this on the nose.

17. Warmbeer - Scapegoat oatmeal stout

Now I think I finally know what an oatmeal stout is supposed to feel like in the mouth. This is so thick it to me pushes into porter territory but has got clear roast flavour in the background. No head and not much carbonation other than thin ring around edge, this is maybe intentional to keep the mouthfeel?
Anyway im enjoying this muchly, giving me warm feelings inside. Thanks :)
16. micbrew - Irish Red Ale

This is the second irish red ive had, didn't think they were my cup of tea the first one (bridge rd brewers version), but this is lovely! Interesting colour almost deep purple/burgundy. Low carbonation which suits the flavour, slight foam ring lacing my glass. Very slight bitterness lets the malts shine, nutty aftertaste is great. Aroma is sweet and malty, yum! Sorry ny descriptors are n00b hope it doesnt take anything away from this beer. A+ thanks!
I'm bringing forward my recommendation to drink 10A - CarpeDaym's Summer Ale as of now

It ain't gettin' any more carbed, and the hops starting to fade a little. Looking forward to hearing feedback.
Didn't get that one in my set unfortunately was only one missing :-(
10A - CarpeDaym's Summer Ale

As I'm easily led, I snuck my bottle of this in the fridge last night and daym indeed. Very easy drinking, in fact quite refreshing after a sunny day. Fruity hops balanced well with the dry finish. This would be a great gateway beer for anyone who is only dipping their toe into the world outside of megaswill. My only criticism is my bottle was almost flat...with a bit more fizz this would be a real winner! That said, I'm still definitely enjoying it!
DJ_L3ThAL said:
Didn't get that one in my set unfortunately was only one missing :-(
You must have gotten the 10B Almond Stout from Meats instead.

AJ80 said:
10A - CarpeDaym's Summer Ale

As I'm easily led, I snuck my bottle of this in the fridge last night and daym indeed. Very easy drinking, in fact quite refreshing after a sunny day. Fruity hops balanced well with the dry finish. This would be a great gateway beer for anyone who is only dipping their toe into the world outside of megaswill. My only criticism is my bottle was almost flat...with a bit more fizz this would be a real winner! That said, I'm still definitely enjoying it!
I think I've finally come to understand the cause of my ongoing carbonation issues—my teaspoon set is wildly inaccurate, causing me to under priming. I'm sorry to the half of you who have to put up with my semi-flat beer :( Otherwise, thanks for the feedback!
Hmmm, I'm a few tastings behind & will add what I've noted here & there at the time ...

Idzy's Cali common

My first Cali common. Beautiful Idz, love it! Nice light golden color, nice clarity, great carb. Nice crisp, light fruitiness, citrus flavour & hop aroma. This will be a perfect, delicious summer beverage. If you haven't posted the recipe (l'll go back & check) please do, thanks mate!

GrumpyPaul - Scottish 80

A magnificent beer Grumpy! Nice carb & deep copper colour, clarity I'd good, I don't pick up bourbon aroma, but definitely the oak aroma. Really like the oak & bourbon(?) warmth. Still a bit cold though, I'll let her warm up a bit ... geez, I couldn't get enough of this one. Cheers

Nullnvoid - Amber Ale

A beautiful looking beer, deep rich colour, nicely carbed, nice 'honey like' aroma, really nice full flavour. Very enjoyable ale.

Whiteferret - Irish Red Ale

Held up to the light, can really see the deep, deep red colour. Nice malty molasses aroma. Low carb, true to style, right? Flavour is delicious, sweet English malty flavours. Clean tasting, have a bit left in the bottle, we'll let it warm up slightly ... yum.

Black n Tan - "The Witches Cauldron" American Imperial Red Ale (partial stein beer)

Oh baby. Deep dark red color. Deep, dark, delicious flavor. Mmmmm yuuuuummmm. Good tight head, nice lacing. Nice mild hop flavour. I'm now officially a Stein beer fan! Love it mate, thank you.

Also had Mick's (mofox1) Citra APA & Relaxed brewer's ESB - really enjoyed them both, didn't write anything down though. Written some absolute garbage about a couple of others, also found this for big Nath's Pilsner:

DJ Leathal - chestnut pilsner
Light copper colour, light carb that fades, aroma , crisp & woody flavours, ... & that's all I got down, how good is that review? :blink:

Note to self, don't do tastings after a heap of other beer :unsure:
JB said:
GrumpyPaul - Scottish 80

A magnificent beer Grumpy! Nice carb & deep copper colour, clarity I'd good, I don't pick up bourbon aroma, but definitely the oak aroma. Really like the oak & bourbon(?) warmth. Still a bit cold though, I'll let her warm up a bit ... geez, I couldn't get enough of this one. Cheers

Note to self, don't do tastings after a heap of other beer :unsure:
JB - thanks for the review.

I am stoked to hear everyone is enjoying this beer, its been getting good feedback all round. Have just entered my last bottle of the second batch of this recipe I did in Vicbrew.

And I also second the notion of not doing tastings when you drink a heap of beer (scroll back and see how detailed I was when we did 16 in one night)
Shiat.. the pressure is on I got case swap and now my brew clubs swap to comment on !!! this is hard work .. feel like I'm becoming an alcoholic for everyone else !!
MartinOC - Caledonian Porter

Low carb at first, so gave this a vigorous pour. Deep, dark brown in colour. Low aroma, still cold though. Trying to pin point the flavour ... is roasted malts, hint of choc & dried fruit, maybe licorice? Some alcohol warmth coming through, persists to the finish :) lowish bitterness, a little bit spicy. A different beverage to my normal fare, enjoyed it, thanks Martin.
Warmbeer - 'Scapegoat' oatmeal stout - poured out cold bit left to warm up.

Mmmmmm. I've been looking into doing an oatmeal stout & this has convinced me that I should. Sooo creamy smooth, medium full bodied, so smooth. Nice caramelly, nutty, roasty flavours. This is delicious! Makes me happy in my pants. Cheers!
9. MartinOC - Caledonian Porter on steroids.

Yum yum yummy yum yum. Bitter chocolate and coffee on the nose. Not great head retention, but a brilliant rich scarlet when held to the light. Full bodied and low cab with a bitter dark chocolate taste that's dominating. Loving this beer. Simply delicious - glad I've snagged a copy of the recipe for this one!

Cheers Martin.

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