Xmas In July Tasting - VIC

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6. Grainer - Robust Porter..READY TO DRINK.. some lucky boy got treacle stout as well...

Fantastic beer Grainer! Great roast focus. A showcase of roast flavors. I was perfectly satisfied with the mouthfeel, but I'm not a judge, so there you go. Pour me another glass please, in the name of education! The flavors that came out as it developed in the glass were a real treat. Always changing, bit by bit. I tend to like porters along the lines of Fuller's London, but would happily indulge this regularly for a bit of diversion. Roasty McRoastyroast. An empty glass is a terrible end to this all. I like the way it lightened up at the end and the lingering flavors weren't heavy but it cleared up. Cheers!
Mardoo said:
6. Grainer - Robust Porter..READY TO DRINK.. some lucky boy got treacle stout as well...

Fantastic beer Grainer! Great roast focus. A showcase of roast flavors. I was perfectly satisfied with the mouthfeel, but I'm not a judge, so there you go. Pour me another glass please, in the name of education! The flavors that came out as it developed in the glass were a real treat. Always changing, bit by bit. I tend to like porters along the lines of Fuller's London, but would happily indulge this regularly for a bit of diversion. Roasty McRoastyroast. An empty glass is a terrible end to this all. I like the way it lightened up at the end and the lingering flavors weren't heavy but it cleared up. Cheers!
With reviews like this...Maybe you can review one on my latest Russian Imperial Stouts for me.. lol.. you just gotta make the journey down here !!
Mardoo said:
Mate, I'm holding back.
Don't hold back....If I can re-work the entire Night before Christmas poem into the Night Before Case Swap at least you can do "Ode to an Oatmeal Stout"
speaking of stout.. my swap day cube has bottomed out at 1011 on 1317 and tastes divine from the FV

:beerbang: :icon_drool2: :drinks:
What strain is 1317 mate? Can't seem to get anything from Mr. Google
Speaking of the swap day stout, if I chucked a 1.5L tin of BR Amber LME into my 20L do you think it would work ok (as an imperial stout I assume)?
I bought several Amber LME tins going cheap 10 months ago and recently remembered I hadn't used them yet.
The problems I can guess would be whether the IBUs will be enough and whether the malt from the tin will be too thin/shallow (as per regular kit /extract beers).
I quick bit of guesstimating on ianh's spreadsheet suggests the OG would b arnd 1.075, & IBUs arnd 60.
What do you think?
13. Damn - English IPA, ready to drink, bottled 7 weeks ago. It gets better ea week, so I guess it wont hurt if you leave it some. Don't serve Ice-cold.

This is a brew I had last night and didn't have time to write.. hopefully I remember !

Apprearance: Great creamy cop perish head, clear beer (it was dark so Im guessing) and copper golden.

Aroma: Wifey said it was citrusy..
Taste: Never had an English IPA but this certainly is what I imagined it would be like.. Strong malts and medium bitterness.

I enjoyed it so much I forgot to review it last night.. it wend down very quick.
6. Grainer - Robust Porter
9. MartinOC - Caledonian Porter on steroids

Had both of these the other night and, oh my god - that was date night for the taste buds.

The Robust Porter was combined the perfect sweetness to match the roast. Lingering bitterness with a slight (pleasant) astringency. This one made me want to sink my teeth into a massive flame grilled steak.

The Caledonian Porter is a Chuck Norris of beers. There's no mistaking that this one was hopped long and hard :lol:. Slight biscuit pushing through the hops with a roasty (and maybe almost smokey?) finish. Certainly a sipper, that was enjoyed an extended duration.

I didn't think I was much into porters, but I certainly am now. I don't even think that most stouts I've had can match the full bodied flavour that came with two swaps.

Cheers! :beerbang:
Haven't had many of the swap beers yet but reading all these reviews isn't helping! They all sound so good and makes me want to go home and drink them all at once.
6. Grainer's Robust Porter.

Thought I'd have a go at this one after the above review.

Nice tan head with a subtle roasty fruitiness on the nose (what yeast did you use?). Full-bodied & a strong choc/roast mid-palate, with a dry & slightly tart finish. The ABV is well-hidden until you give your taste-buds a rest, when it hits you.

Nice one, Centurion!

Sure it's not infected?
think it was saf-05 .. ill have to check.. i don't use dry yeast very much
21. AJ80 - chocolate vanilla stout : Late notes, drank Last w/end. Forgot what it was except that it was stout. You know I just thought this is very tasty stout that would be devine with desert. The vanilla and choc are very subtle. Part of me thinks it needs more vanilla/choc then part of me thinks it could ruin it. Very nice, I'd like a dozen more and label desert beer. Well done. Inspired to make another stout now. (LoL on top of my crate swap cube which is bubbling away as I waffle)
Damn said:
... swap cube which is bubbling away as I waffle
Jus got inside from kegging mine, pretty impressed with both the SSFV and the ancient 1318 that fermented it out..

Cant wait for a Sunday taster :drinks:
Just pitched mine.....using the 1728 Scottish Ale yeast I saved from my swap beer.

Should be something different...

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