Time to order some Wyeast.
Let me know if you want anything special - It is a new Private collection period also see below for this season's range.
Or if you want something ordered in fresh off the plane.
Private collection.
2575-PC Kölsch II
Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
This authentic Kӧlsch strain from one of Germany’s leading brewing schools has a rich flavor profile which accentuates a soft malt finish. It has low or no detectable diacetyl production and will also ferment well at colder temperatures for fast lager type beers.
2487-PC Hella Bock Lager
Species: Saccharomyces pastorianus
Direct from the Austrian Alps, this strain will produce rich, full-bodied and malty beers with a complex flavor profile and a great mouth feel. Attenuates well while still leaving plenty of malt character and body. Beers fermented with this strain will benefit from a temperature rise for a diacetyl rest at the end of primary fermentation.
2272-PC North American Lager
Species: Saccharomyces pastorianus
A traditional culture of North American and Canadian lagers, light pilsners, and adjunct beers. Mildly malty profile, medium ester profile, well balanced. Malty finish.
Cheers Steve