Wtb Gas Burner With Stand.

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I'm going to ditch the stovetop and go over to the gassy side ;)
Looking for a burner and stand, easily capable of single batches.
If you are looking to sell one and you're in or around Sydney, please drop me a pm.

P.S Would be nice if it didn't howl like a banshee either.
Was going to suggest one similar to mine which is a NASA burner, reg and stand for around $169 available from BCF stores. It is one of the louder ones available however.

I don't think I'd be making any new friends in our unit block with a nasa burner :)
I just took delivery and tested my new italian spiral burner with medium pressure reg from beerbelly today... wow, its awesome!

I looked at the ones from BCF and was a little concerned with the build quality, the italian spiral burner... wow lol and its around the same price.

So my 2c is to support a sponsor and get an excellent bit of brew porn in the form on a italian spiral burner.
I'm already half decided on a spiral burner from Beerbelly, but I thought I'd see if I could do my bit to help the environment and a fellow brewer first.

Edit: I just now realised I have posted this thread in the wrong place. If someone would be so kind as to move it to where it belongs, that would be tops.
Can any of you folks who were asleep when I originally posted help me out with my initial enquiry?
+2 on the italian spiral & med pressure variae regulator

Good stand, good heat, low noise

Easily boils 45L and has great control so you can dial it right back

I think it'd easily boil 70L too
Seriously, it's a great bit of kit, well worth the ~$160 (including the med. adjustable regulator). Go buy it now, and support a small business.

It certainly seems like nothing else will come close at that price (new), so if noone fronts up with a 2nd hand one by thursday, I will be placing my order with Beerbelly.
Another +1 for the Italian spiral, with single batches they make bugger all noise
I love my Italian Spiral....

I built a frame for it from that metal mate stuff they sell at the big green shed. (think of it as meccano for big boys). The wind shield is an old corny that had a pinhole in it and I had no other use for.


Awesome Pollux, good to know that stuff will hold up to the heat.
This supplier is out of stock at the moment but at $18.40 the price is certainly attractive. I inquired a year or so ago about interstate freight but got no response but you might have more luck.
PS There is no reg included with that so you will need to factor that and the hose as well.
Awesome Pollux, good to know that stuff will hold up to the heat.
I'm a little too scared of 50 odd kilos of keggle plus boiling wort to put my faith in Metal-Mate, especially under an hour+ of sustained heat. YMMV.

Currently looking to built a similar stand, but using 5mm angle iron. Should be rated to 250kg+ :)
That is the gal stuff, the rest of the rig was made from the stuff with the enamel....

Plus if you look at the design, the bolts don't actually take any of the weight, they more just hold the uprights in position.
That is the gal stuff, the rest of the rig was made from the stuff with the enamel....

Plus if you look at the design, the bolts don't actually take any of the weight, they more just hold the uprights in position.
Hey WB, that's the same stuff I use and if you have enough support in the structural design, this is the hear to get. I can't weld so needed something. The design I did holds 2 50l keg shaped vessels (Hlt and MT) both full, whilst doing a 60L boil from the prior brew. No issue with strength, it's in the design.

(consulting fees available upon request :D )

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