Worst equipment purchases

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In response to this great thread - http://aussiehomebrewer.com/topic/86677-whats-the-best-addition-to-your-brewery/

What has been the worst addition?

I started with extract kits about 18 months ago, and started all grain about 5 months ago. I've bought some crap equipment that I've never really used properly, luckily nothing too expensive:

  • hand bottle capper - seriously, how do you use this without smashing bottles?
  • Sodium Metabisulfate
  • Freezers that aren't quite big enough for two fermenters at once (agonisingly close)

What about you guys?
Bought an esky that no matter what I did, could not get the drain pipe to seal against the wall, so the bloody thing always leaked when I did a mash
Heat belt.... very useful given I have only ever brewed in Brisbane or Gladstone.
Maybe the filter. I used it for a period but is a pain in the arse to setup, santize, uses 2 kegs and needs a good cleaning after use. Going to dust it off for the bo pils I'm brewing next and i'll do a filtered beer keg vs a gelatined keg and pending the outcome, there might be a 2nd hand MK2 craftbrewer filter in the for sale section.
One of those pump syphon thingoes. For the life of me I cant make it work, it would hideously oxygenate and destroy the carefull labored brew.
What is the trick? those dudes on youtube do it so easily! grrrrrrr
Adr_0 said:
Heat belt.... very useful given I have only ever brewed in Brisbane or Gladstone.
I've just bought a digital thermometer that tracks high/lows, my fridge has ranged from 18-20 over the last few weeks. I don't we need heaters in Brissy! :D
Cheap eBay thermometers and keg king elements, i believe it would be safer and more economical to breathe on my kettle than use those piece of **** elements.
Ordering 1/2 cam locks from one HBS then buying more from a bulk buy on AHB only to find that they are different sizes, when when they are both '1/2in'.
My mid-range Chinese pH meter. It's worked reasonably well, calibrating it every time I use it etc. But the constant care, calibration and electrode replacement have convinced me I'd rather use ColorpHast strips. Not a turd of a purchase, but not worth the effort for the same accuracy as the strips.
neal32 said:
Maybe the filter. I used it for a period but is a pain in the arse to setup, santize, uses 2 kegs and needs a good cleaning after use. Going to dust it off for the bo pils I'm brewing next and i'll do a filtered beer keg vs a gelatined keg and pending the outcome, there might be a 2nd hand MK2 craftbrewer filter in the for sale section.
I used mine a few times many years ago and stopped after a few brews. What a pain in the ass it is.
When i was going through the shed a few months ago i came across it and decided to give it a whirl again. Done one batch and through it in the bin. Wasnt even keen on letting it go to another brewer lol.
Danscraftbeer said:
One of those pump syphon thingoes. For the life of me I cant make it work, it would hideously oxygenate and destroy the carefull labored brew.
What is the trick? those dudes on youtube do it so easily! grrrrrrr
Have always had problems with them sucking air down through from the outta tube then tiny bubbles heading up through the inner syphon hose. ( not sure if it's similar to your problem? )
But if I clamp a clothes peg or similar on syphon tubing to slow the flow rate it helps to eliminate the problem, just takes longer...
Copper coil immersion chiller and a pond pump to recirculate ice water through it. Still sitting in the garage.

Beerbelly false bottom to make a lauter tun for a two vessel system. Fortunately somebody bought it off me but I took a $10 hit.

Oh and the raspberry pi. I think it's in the spare room.
Bribie G said:
Copper coil immersion chiller and a pond pump to recirculate ice water through it. Still sitting in the garage.
My pond pump/ice water experiment during yesterday's brew day was the highlight of my brew day! Other than the tasty beer. First time I've gone from boil to pitch temperature in less than half an hour. I'm well pleased!
I must say I agree with the two previous messages on filter purchases, such a PITA for such little (IMO) usefulness.

Sold mine last week after sitting unused for two years.
bought one of these gadgets used once.a and couple of aquarium heaters and a heater belt. :icon_offtopic: someone should run in each state swap/sell
day,as they someone's trash is someone else's treasure.
Air pump aeration kit with stone. Easy to clog. Pain to use. Now I just pump out of the machine into the fermenter after chilling. Plenty of aeration.
Danscraftbeer said:
One of those pump syphon thingoes. For the life of me I cant make it work, it would hideously oxygenate and destroy the carefull labored brew.
What is the trick? those dudes on youtube do it so easily! grrrrrrr
small hose that you have to boil the end of to fit on the siphon (much the same tightness as beer line on disconnect barbs. and for the inner tube letting in air: a really small amount of keg lube on the piston rubber seal will keep it doing its job :)
lael said:
Air pump aeration kit with stone. Easy to clog. Pain to use. Now I just pump out of the machine into the fermenter after chilling. Plenty of aeration.
FWIW I've had zero issues with my stone in the last two years using the Smurto method:

Never touch the stone. Store the stone and hose in Starsan (made up with distilled water so the pH stays low). When using, hook up hose to tank and turn O2 on while the stone is in the Starsan. Move to fermenter and aerate. With O2 still on return the stone to the Starsan. Turn O2 off, disconnect hose and make sure the hose and stone are submerged in the Starsan. Change the Starsan every month or so, depending on how often you use the stone.
Yeah, I was using the pump thing. I don't have oxygen :)