Worst Comerical Beer You Had

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Worst Beer Ever:
KB, and
Budweiser (US version)

Surprisingly acceptable:
Foster's on tap in Germany (brewed under license by Holsten I think)
Its a toss up between the following:

Cave Creek Chilli Beer
Wicked Ale Citrus Beer
Samuel Smiths Light Ale

Oh and Tooheys Extra Dry that is served any warmer than about 5 degrees.
Honestly, you haven't had bad beer until you've tried American malt liquor.

Any of the following are insipid creations designed to get you drunk
Olde English, Steel Reserve, Mickey's, Hurricane, King Cobra, Schlitz, the list goes on.

Just horrid rancid corn tastes and they come in 40oz bottles so they get nice and warm by the time you get to the bottom.
it would have to be Amstel that is brewed under licence in Greece. A few nights on this **** gets you very jumpy. A few friends and I thought we had been on LSD after 4 big nights drinking this stuff. We changed to the heiniken that is also brewed under licence in greece and we couldn't believe the difference to our mental state. Don't know what is in the amstel but we tried it again a few weeks later and we found the same looney affects.
Without a doubt VB, closely followed by tooheys new. Both of these are Dog piss IMO.
Its a shame tooheys gets it wrong, then again they always have tooheys OLD to fall back on. Champion Beer.
Its the best seller in this area by far, and I guess it floats tooheys budget by having one popular beer.

VB however is Pond Scum. "you can not polish a turd"

I heard that the top 3/4 of a fermenting vessel is Crown Lager the bottom 1/4 is Carlton Cold and the stuff that lands on the floor is VB.
At the age of 17, we went and bought about 4 or 5 slabs of beers. Here they are:

- VB: I'm sorry, I like this beer.
- Tooheys New: I think I suggested this one at the time - now I hate it, it seems every pub is becoming Tooheys pubs and they are serving this on tap. It tastes to me like it is "dirty".
- Carlton Cold: I don't think I had much if any of these. I think we may have had two slabs. I don't think I've had any since. It certainly has a bad rap.

And the winner is...
- Amsterdam Mariner. I remember seeing this at Dan Murphys. Imported beer. Cans really big (like 500mls big). Really cheap (I think it was below 30 bucks or something). How could you lose? We lost. I put down one on the opening night and I can't describe it. We must have drank about 5 and the rest we threw at trees, we even tried to blow a couple up in fires.

The thing is now I want to try one, just to see whether it is actually really bad (because this is when Tooheys New and Carlton Cold were considered good).

I have to agree that Empire sucks pretty bad, and Bud hasn't got any taste.

I used to drink amsterdam mariner (from a bottle, not a can). It wasnt too bad, light and clean, with no bad aromas or aftertastes.

Maybe its just the cans, they always make beer taste worse than glass.
My swill of choice at the moment is Amsterdam Mariner in 33oml stubbies for $30 a slab, do a blind tasting against some domestic premiums you may be surprised.
No accounting for taste though eh?
Ahh just remebered another one:

Kokanee Glacier Beer from Canada was another shocker that I've had.

Anyone else tried this one?
Re the Amsterdam lager. I had a workmate recently interested in buying some wine from Dan Murphy's, but the special came with a carton of Amsterdam (bottles) and he does not drink beer (at all!).
He suggested that if he got the wine I could get the beer for $15. Seemed like a win/win situation to me :)

It is not so bad. Nice infront of the telly swiller. I understand it is made by Grolsch.

Spicks, maybe the can did have an effect on the taste. But then again you do like VB :blink: No accounting for taste sometimes, or the lack of it :lol:

Awrabest Spicks, nae hairm intended

am, it aint a contest.

I know.....but when i originally posted in this thread there was one beer that was pissing me off coz i couldn't remember what it was called then I saw a bottle last night which made the bad memories flood back.

Just provocing other peoples thoughts about it as I've heard others commend it.

U tried/like it?
sol brew was the worst ive had closely followed by ikale. both come from the pacific islands and are crap. the first sip you go this isnt so bad then they get warm and bad quickly
I had a 6 pack of Boags Draught last night. Did not rate it at all!

Made me feel shocking this morning. It felt like I had fallen asleep with a bar of soap in my mouth.
PostModern said:
Toohey's Red. Urgh!
****** that is one nasty liquid! I actually don't think it qualifies for this thread, because it might not be beer. The worst hangovers too.

VB is OK for when you want to be pretentiously unpretentious, bud not good at all :)

I like Crown Lager bottles, so I don't berate it too much when my brother buys a carton and keeps the empties for me ;)

Bringing up such an old post, but I absolutely love Toohey's red..... Ice cold its brillant.

If your after a couple of bad Tooheys beers go Blue+Gold, Blue is foulest tasting thing that makes VB taste not so bad and gold is only slightly better.

Mid strength and light? I dont get it, I'd rather drink coke.
1. Fosters
3. VB (in bottles)

They are my top 3 from the Australian range, but I don't mind VB on tap, but only when it's super cold.

Don't forget Carlton Everything. That's a pretty bad beer too!

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