Worst Comerical Beer You Had

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Rubbels Sexy Lager

Pink label with a nude lady on the front with her modesty covered by grey scratchie patches. Funny label but the product inside was absolute weakest pish I have ever come across

Bought for a work Friday beer club for a laugh. And the saddest bit was most of the bottles at the bottle shop already had their labels prescratched by the desperados out there :lol:
west end 106....
that was a trully shocking beer

i dunno about having a go at Coopers Stout. The aged Coopers Stout you could buy awhile ago was very good. The fresh stuff aint a patch on guinness or even (dare i say it) Southwark Stout but its a decent drink in a world full of bland low carb homo-lagers
My list would go something like this from recently drunk stuff:

1. Aussie brewed Stella and Heineken
Yep, pretty bland...

2. Coopers Best Extra Stout (I like a good stout, but this stuff just tastes like burnt grain. Reviews on Rate Beer talk about fruit and nut and chocolate, ********!)
sorry this is one of the treats of living in SA - cheap pints of Coopers stout on tap

3. Coopers Dark Ale (Like watered down stout)
Again, this is a spectacular drop - where are you driniking these? In the past 2 weeks I've had coopers stout on tap from The Fountain Hotel and The British Hotel and Dark Ale from the Exeter and the Electric Light Hotel and all of them were awesome!

So I have to ask - are you sure it's not the pub serving you the bottom of the keg? These are some reliable and exceptionally good megaswill beers that you are disrespectin' here! ;)
I agree that coopers dark ale has gone down the toilet. Over the last 6 months I've noticed it is getting very watery and bland. Good as a bridge for people that haven't had dark beers before but definitely not enough oomph for my liking.

As far as the coopers stout goes, you may have had a bad bottle.. remember this stuff is bottle conditioned. In my opinion it's a great stout for its availability.

Back on topic, the worst commercial beer I've ever had is Lucky Beer, no doubt.
Rubbels Sexy Lager

Pink label with a nude lady on the front with her modesty covered by grey scratchie patches. Funny label but the product inside was absolute weakest pish I have ever come across

Bought for a work Friday beer club for a laugh. And the saddest bit was most of the bottles at the bottle shop already had their labels prescratched by the desperados out there :lol:

I'd be agreeing on that one as well

A mate left a bottle of it in my fridge, and as good as the label was, pootridly bland beer

Definitely rate Cold, Platinums, and Budweiser as some of the crappiest beers I've ever had. Oh, and a Coopers Pale that followed one of my standard homebrews. It tasted crap in comparison and I was awestruck.

Worst beer I've had out of a tap was a Carlton Draught. Tasted like fermented cardboard so I let a mate have a taste and he said I was spot on. Told the staff and to their credit they were apologetic and although they didn't give me a freebie they said they'd have the system checked out and word passed on.

Some of the best commercials I'd have to say are Red Oak microbrew Honey Ale, Jever pils, and Haagen Lager which is dead cheap and tastes better than most commercials in the lower-end of the price range. One fellow at the bottleshop tried to tell me it was malt-driven...sounds like someone has been drinking Colds and Bud, eh? :D

Cheers - boingk
Rainer Super Dry. Some terrible yank ***** that was bloody sweet for a dry beer. Struggled through half a stubbie and passed it round my housemates (four other blokes) and still had to tip the rest. Made me feel crook for an hour afterward.
So I have to ask - are you sure it's not the pub serving you the bottom of the keg? These are some reliable and exceptionally good megaswill beers that you are disrespectin' here!

I had the dark ale on tap at the Exeter and it just seemed bland, I haven't had it prior to that though so a bad batch is possible. Same with the stout, I had one bottle from Enigma bar (bad atmosphere of that **** hole may have also contributed), but it just tasted burnt.

I'll try the stout again on tap next time though. since I denied my nose of any smell drinking it from a bottle.
I had the dark ale on tap at the Exeter and it just seemed bland, I haven't had it prior to that though so a bad batch is possible. Same with the stout, I had one bottle from Enigma bar (bad atmosphere of that **** hole may have also contributed), but it just tasted burnt.

I'll try the stout again on tap next time though. since I denied my nose of any smell drinking it from a bottle.

If you have developed 'beer taste buds' then maybe the dark is a bit lacking for you ;) , no doubt that after drinking even half decent homebrews most commercial beers are lacking!

Enigma=goth/emo shitpit, so yeah that may have ruined your stout. :lol:

It does have dark and roasty characteristics, and it can be quite bitter, but my last one from The British in North Adelaide was just heavenly... hoppy bitterness, but still malty, heavy but nice head and carbonation. Delicious from the first sip!
Anything from the Lovely Valley Beverage Co.

Extract beer at its worst.

Seriously, VB, West End et al are leagues above this *****.

Had not even heard of the place until your post. Is all their own beer made like the typical "Back Yard Brewer" (but not the same quality) Or are you suggesting that all their beer is made from...... dare I say it........ kits!!! I see a lot of fermenters on their web page. The high mineral water would not be a selling point for beer. Would it??

I see a lot of fermenters on their web page. The high mineral water would not be a selling point for beer. Would it??

hmm I keep getting an error from their web server saying I can't load the page because I am forbidden from this IP address... I'd never heard of them either and I guess I won't be checking them out if their site is blocked to my IP address (Government thing maybe?)
I wouldn't say I have really developed beer taste buds, I like pretty standard beers (pale ales, wit biers, nice lagers) and I like Guinness, although I'm very willing to let it get beaten as the best stout I've tried. I like going to the Belgium Beer cafe and I enjoy most of what they have there. (Although the first juvenile thing I did was order the most alcoholic beer, Bush I think, and I couldn't handle it. Golden Draak also too much for me, mainly because liquorice makes me sick). So yeah, I'll take you're recommendation seriously and give the stout another try, it would be damn good if a local brew was really tasty, would make going out to pubs more compelling.

Bonus, I am heading to The British pretty soon with my girl.

And yes, spot on about Enigma, add "derro" also. I spent almost a whole night there against my better judgment catching up with a friend I went to school with, he's into metal and drank hahn super dry... just awful (although only slightly beaten by the best beer there, a TEDs).

Sorry about how OT this was. :)

hmm I keep getting an error from their web server saying I can't load the page because I am forbidden from this IP address... I'd never heard of them either and I guess I won't be checking them out if their site is blocked to my IP address (Government thing maybe?)

They detected you as a homebrewer and found it detrimental to their reputation, abort abort.
Bonus, I am heading to The British pretty soon with my girl.

Cool, great little pub. Happy Hour Thursday/Friday from 9-11

They have a good range of imports, Kilkenny and Guiness on tap as well as Coopers Vintage in bottles and I even saw a few Leffe Blondes behind the bar too.

We're there most Thursdays after 9.30 or so, camped out by the open fire...
Well, the worst beer I've tasted is Four-X, to me it tastes like re-badged WD-40....

Still, some people like it, then again, some people drink metho too.

I've had a hot Swan Lager once, not good.... but tasted better than Four-X.

My 2c anyway FWIW.

Cheers to all,

My question again... Do they brew kit beers? Will I have to travel down South to find out.


Taste their beers and tell me they arent extract based. Kits i am not sure but extract at the very least. I visited there with a mate. No sign of mash tuns, HLTs or a kettle for that matter so i have to assume its a dump and stir job. No sign of hops in any of the beers i tasted. All brewed in the same room - ales and lagers........ :huh:

The 2 stouts i tried were like drinking liquid vegemite. Was too scared after that in case i threw up on them. A retired couple run the place.

And they are all highly carbed, should have seen them trying to pour the stouts, it was comical.
Taste their beers and tell me they arent extract based. Kits i am not sure but extract at the very least. I visited there with a mate. No sign of mash tuns, HLTs or a kettle for that matter so i have to assume its a dump and stir job. No sign of hops in any of the beers i tasted. All brewed in the same room - ales and lagers........ :huh:

The 2 stouts i tried were like drinking liquid vegemite. Was too scared after that in case i threw up on them. A retired couple run the place.

And they are all highly carbed, should have seen them trying to pour the stouts, it was comical.

And you paid money for it, more than once :lol: . I love vegemite straight from the jar :icon_drool2:


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