Worried I May Just Have Made Many Many Many Bottle Bombs

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Good Advice.

I think Im going to pour out the remaining 12L and give it a cleaning, Before it drives me insane.
NOOOOOOOOOO......... What are you thinking man?

That sentence makes even baby Jesus cry! :eek: Are you out of your mind! Certainly just get some plastic bottles.
Don't make eight pound, six ounce, newborn baby Jesus cry.

Coopers plastic bottles are a much better option.
Part of me wants to chill down a glass now, but Im worried that a few days in this heatwave will have ruined it
So I bottled up mine today, and accidentally over did it with the sugar in a couple. Most were 6g / 750mL stubby. One was 8g, and a couple were 10g =O. I have put them to one side. Should I recap them in a couple of days, or will they be OK (just over carbed)?
If you cant afford proper Coopers or similar bottles try cheap alternatives.
Legendary post and pics here somewhere of BribieG's Aldi bottle collection. From memory he didn't drink a drop of cola ( that stuff will kill you anyway ) only wanted the bottles and they work just fine. Re-usable many times so expense is zip.
Dont throw your brew if at all possible even leave it in the carboy for a while if needed.
You could also put out a call to locals to assist. Maybe someone with a spare empty keg and go halves or someone with empty bottles to borrow for a few brewskies. Good community here lotsa blokes willing to help. Good luck.