Hi Guys,
I own a Williamswarn unit, I was the first in Australia to use the upgraded unit, with heaps of refinements, mostly hidden. I must confess I had lea-way over the rest of the users of the Williamswarn unit. I'll explain this all shortly. I do not have any afiliation with the makers of the unit.
I've been a brewer sinse Gough Witllam legalised home brewing in the early 1970's. That's almost a lifetime.
If it wasnt for this legislation from a confirmed beer drinker, who loved beer, you wouldn't be brewing today. It would still be illegal. Gough loved beer, and plenty of it, made Bob Hawke look like an amateaur.
You don't realize how hard it was to make a 1/2 decent ale in those days.
Bakers yeast couldn't quite cut it. No mattter how hard we tried to change it.
We used to culture a 1/2 bottle of Cooper's ale to get enough yeast to make a starter. Sometime times this didn't work. We got sick drinking the beer.
In 1998, I decided enough was enough, I'm too old to work, I'm too old to work in the industry, but surely I can make a decent beer..Something better than foaming drain cleaner. I enrolled in the Tafe course at Regency, the Cordon Bleue training centre of food and wines.
I will admit, it cost heaps, but the knowlege is beyond question. If you guys really want to learn how to make beer with out exception, enroll and be enlightened.
The end result was that I achieved the title of master brewer, certifications to prove this, but due to my age 75 plus, I couldn't work in the industry. I can tell you, with the Williamswarn, with my knowlege, I can make one hell of a beer. I know.
My beers have been submitted in various shows, with great results. The Kit and Kilo machine shines. This machine is not a **** from some Kiwi that somehow knew how to make beer. He was the world youngest Master Brewer on the world stage. He is my God of Brewing.
You guys think this machine is a ****, well, so far, one gold medal, on his third brew, never brewed before, and a siver medal,a backyard brewer, both from kit and kilo, in the Asian beer Festival. They were competing against multimillion dollar brewerys. They killed them! A small 23 litre brewery, at about $7000. Can you believe it.
I brew all grain, No Chill, and I can still win awards for shows, although I don't compete much, as I think I have an unfair advantage, crystal clear beer, drinkable, fully carbonated at seven days, whereas you guys spend months getting there.Nine time times out of ten you can't enter, it's too cloudy and not enough carbonation for the judges.
Beer is like bread, it's meant to be drunk fresh, not two or three months stale.