Will this recipe work?

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Well-Known Member
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Northern Suburbs, Perth
Cheers. I've got a few leftovers laying around, but am out of yeast, so I came up with this recipe after drinking a few Hoegaardens the other arvo. I know that it wont be a proper wheat, I just want a hint of spice and fruit in the backround, and am intrigued at what the outcome may bring. Has any one tried anything similar and will it work, or should I just leave out the peel and seed and be content with a 13-15 IBU blonde style ale?

1.5 kg LME
500g Dry wheat malt extract
500g LDME
15g Cluster @60min
5g Cluster @20 min
8g Dried tangerine peel @5min
5g cracked corriander seed @2min
Re used S-04 (part there of)

Ferment @18c.
You need some rice gulls.

Give Ross a ring at Craftbewer. He knows someone who gets them fresh
Recipe is fine, if u really want what u say I would use wb06 instead, same convenience, still drym
Use T-58 if you want dry yeast. It's pretty decent for the Belgian style beers - for a dry one.

I've used it for a Leffe Style beer, and got a reasonable phenol profile.
its a good thing Ross is in melbourne getting wasted all this week!
Did that recipe sans corriander and peel, changed the second hops addition to 5min and added 150g of dex. Is now at 1012. Will leave it for a few more days then cc and bring it back up for a rest before bottling. I'm starting to appreciate the neutral yeast in terms of balancing a session beer.

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