Why Don't They Sell Half Whirfloc Tablets?

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Dalmorton NSW
OK I have the tom tits with bloody whirfloc tablets every time I cut one in half (the proper dose) they end up being this crumbled disintegrated mess. I'm over it why don't they just make a tablet the right dose FFS? Or give it a break line indent that helps split it in half? I mean WTF it can't that difficult? I have a tupperware container half full of half crumbled, mashed and generally abused whirfloc tablets! <_<
OK I have the tom tits with bloody whirfloc tablets every time I cut one in half (the proper dose) they end up being this crumbled disintegrated mess. I'm over it why don't they just make a tablet the right dose FFS? Or give it a break line indent that helps split it in half? I mean WTF it can't that difficult? I have a tupperware container half full of half crumbled, mashed and generally abused whirfloc tablets! <_<

cut one in half 10 minutes ago and thought the exact same thing!!! :p

alright for those who do double batches i guess.
spite of my life chappo

get yourself one of those old grandma pill splitters from the local pharmacy! i usually get out a big kitchen knife. center it on the pill and give it a good firm tap on the heel of the knife and it will uaully split cleanly. sometimes crumbles into an ugly mess.
Bloody Nora! Is this all you blokes have to do with your lives starting up a thread like this?

Pill splitter as mentioned above but any kitchen knife with a serrated edge will cut the bloody thing in halves.

If I didn't know better Chappo I would say you still live with your mother. :lol:

Could you just weigh the tablet , crush it and then add the right weight when you need it??

I just throw the whole thing in, they aren't expensive...
Bloody Nora! Is this all you blokes have to do with your lives starting up a thread like this?

Pill splitter as mentioned above but any kitchen knife with a serrated edge will cut the bloody thing in halves.

If I didn't know better Chappo I would say you still live with your mother. :lol:


Chappo might be trying to get 1000 posts up by the end of the month.
That would have to be a record from when he joined till then!! :lol:
1000 posts in 76 days.

Who said that a Whirlflock tablet is the right dose?

The amount you need to obtain optimum clarification is strongly linked to wort pH and a bunch of other wort conditions, the end result being that the recommended dosing rate is between 4 and 8 grams /hL, call it 1-2 grams in a 25L wort.

A Whirlflock tablet is around 2.2 grams, but remember that it is about half k-carrageen and half dispersant, the part that makes it a Whirl - not just a flock.

The other part of the answer is that they dont make them for you!

Or me for that matter; Whirlflock tablets are made for breweries; we just get to use them, the entire national demand for home brewing wouldnt keep a fair sized brewery going for long.

Be brave, risk the expense and lash out on a whole Whirlflock tablet next time.

My Japanese Shun knife scares them in half. :)
I always use a whole tablet in a 20 something liter batch. works fine. Better than half a tablet actually.

To snap them clean in half if you must..... put thel half hanging over the edge of a bench and push down on it at a 45 deg angle to the bench corner with your hands.

They snap in half cleanly every time.

MHB showed me this trick when i compained about them.

The other option is kopaflok.......... i use both of them and have no preference


Edit......... if it hurts your hands....... as it does a bit, either use a whole tablet or HTFU :)


So what's wrong with over dosing your wort on Whirlfloc ?

I put 2 into 20 litres all the time. Other that the cost, which is minor, does anyone see a problem.

just make 40 litre batches in your 50 litre kettle then you can put a whole one in

Pumpy :)
I think they should make them in 1/32nd tablet size, so we can add as many as necessary for the correct dose. Maybe we could start a petition and send it to the manufacturers. :blink:
what pill/tablet has ever come in half's? :p

i think you can buy it in powder form? or is that irish moss?
dont be a tight arse...use the whole tablet.
Or...If you are doing a wheat or a stout.... WTF dont bother
I think they should make them in 1/32nd tablet size, so we can add as many as necessary for the correct dose. Maybe we could start a petition and send it to the manufacturers. :blink:
As someone said above, you could crush one and use scales to get the exact amount... this is essentially dividing them into 1/(1 000 000 000)th tablet size... ;)
Teheehe! :D

Wow and I thought I was bored waiting for mash out?

Ok I don't care about the cost of 'em. What rips my nickers is they could easily make 'em half the dose, I see that being practical that's all. 1 tab for a 21lt batch 2 tabs for a double batch, simple and NO FUSS. No pill splitter (BTW thanks Fourstar), no knife, no kitchen bench, AK47, no chain saw, no nuclear power laser pill splitter required. General rule of thumb is half a tablet per 21lt batch, no? I though I had read somewhere here that with Whirfloc and alikes more is less. That adding too much has the opposite effect to what you want to achieve? I test my wort Ph but I'm not into producing award winning beers so testing ph and breaking that back to how much Whirfloc to add is well, out of my league ATM. Thanks MHB I will take your advice on dosage on board for future reference but seriously I'm never going to be a club champion and with such a small adjunct I couldn't be bothered.

Stagga's your bitch MmmWah!

BTW TP Mum says you left your teeth behind the other night she has posted them up to you as they didn't fit her. :lol:

Pumpy doing a 40lt batch next week so I guess I won't have anything to whinge about?
I always use a whole tablet in a 20 something liter batch. works fine. Better than half a tablet actually.

To snap them clean in half if you must..... put thel half hanging over the edge of a bench and push down on it at a 45 deg angle to the bench corner with your hands.

They snap in half cleanly every time.

MHB showed me this trick when i compained about them.

The other option is kopaflok.......... i use both of them and have no preference


Edit......... if it hurts your hands....... as it does a bit, either use a whole tablet or HTFU :)

What if your left handed, do you have to swap sides?? :p


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