Why Does Some Yeast Stick To The Sides

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I've noticed that my 1388 yeast sticks to the sides of the bottles (weird) anyone know why this happens???

aww and also has chill haze, thing is i'm an extract brewer and didnt use any grains so i thought it would be impossible to get chill haze
regarding the haze, you most certainly can get chill haze with extract brew. I used to get it quite a lot and was usually solved with a good dose of irish moss during the (partial?) boil.
I have also had some yeast stick to the sides of bottles. Usually just to one side.

Have never checked through the records as to which yeast strain, or whether the side with the dusting is closer to the light, or points north.

Some people have called it "the shout effect." Others say it sticks on the side of the bottle closest to Jeff Renner.

This dusting is hard to shift. Rinsing doesn't work. If you use a bottlebrush it takes ages to clean and doesn't do a good job. The easiest way to clean it is to fill the bottles with a PSR solution. Leave soak for 24 hours, then transfer the solution to the next bottle to be cleaned. Rinse thoroughly after the PSR. turn upside down to air dry and then use some no rinse sanitiser before refilling with beer.