Mine's getting a bit of rust on the fittings and after I left the cover off one rainy night, it filled some of the wall with water, which I had to boil/evaporate out. But mostly for the bling factor, and even more heat for hardcore pizza crusts.
The lid seal on the Akorn is also quite terrible - replace it with something that blocks the air better if you have the chance. I got a nomex gasket from bbqgaskets.com, so it's good if I ever want to attempt re-entry into the atmosphere in my BBQ without burning up
If anyone goes a kamado and plans getting in to slow cooking and smoking on it (think pulled pork, beef ribs, pork ribs) you can upgrade with an Auber Instruments PID to keep the temperature super steady with a little fan that blows air in to feed the charcoal. I got one, and can do a slow smoke over 12 hours without having to add more fuel or even open the lid. Linky:
http://www.auberins.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=14_27&products_id=396 Fits the Akorn without having to do any mods.