When To Add Lme For Partials

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Does it make a difference (taste-wise) at what stage the LME is added when doing partial mashes? I don't add the LME when the boil is going. I've always added it to the fermenter before straining the wort. If I do add it to the boil, when should it be added. Same goes for dextrose. Should this be added at the end of the boil?
Does it make a difference (taste-wise) at what stage the LME is added when doing partial mashes? I don't add the LME when the boil is going. I've always added it to the fermenter before straining the wort. If I do add it to the boil, when should it be added. Same goes for dextrose. Should this be added at the end of the boil?

I always add malt extract for a minimum of 10 minutes when boiling. This allows enough of a boil without affecting colour in any way. Basically it allows a hot break and I think is just a good idea. I do sometimes add sugars right at the end, last 2 minutes say, but malt extract always 10 minutes...

The reasons for this I outlined in my long getting the best out of kit brewing post so might not spend the time to rehash them here but I think it is best practice...
When i was doing partials i used to add the malt at with 15 mins left to go of the boil. Dont know the answer about difference in taste between adding to boil or fermenter as I didnt do it. Dont know about the dextrose either, sorry
Preferably at or near the end of the boil. As well as darkening the extract, it will also decrease your hop utilisation due to the higher concentration.

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