When 2yr Olds Help Dad

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Ducatiboy stu

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Was sitting on my lounge, when my oldest came in and said..

"Look daddy I helping you......look.....come daddy and look..."

I was greated with :(


It was full of santizer...waiting for a brew..

Lucky that i had yet to do the brew....
Helping you retire an ageing fermenter perhaps?
MMMM my wife cought my 2 year old happily blowing all the water in the airlock back into the brew a few weeks ago.


So THATS where all yer infections were coming from, eh Tony?!? :lol:
My 2yo has just discovered (last night) the fun (until caught) with playing with dad's funny taps that stick out of the fridge.

1. Lucky the keg was just about shot anyhow. <_<
2. dad is now unscrewing the handles and putting them ontop of the fridge when not in use. :p
3. Probably not going to happen again in a wee while with the soon discovered outcome that dad didn't laugh :angry:
yup a pain. my 16 month old came out waviing my airlock around and sucking on it. yum. desperate need of a sanatise after that. she now goes straight for the airlock everytime. @@^#@^$@*. Im going to have to unscrew taps from keg setup also otherwise I can just see my nectar being drained onto the decking after she deices to investigate that.

ahh the joys of parenting.
Oh yes the joy.

The same wonderfull helper recently knocked over 1/2 dozen uncapped bottles as she tried to help me cap them on bottling day.
I have blocked the laundry/brewery off to anyone but my wife and I. My kids want to, but they can't... ;)
My two year old loves helping Dad, however I guessed it would involve her wanting to use my gear so I gave her her own set (a bucket etc). She makes her own lemonade (we put water in the bucket while Mum make a soda stream for her) while Dad makes the beer. I now also keep my brews in the garage on a shelf or in the lager fridge after loosing 1/2 batch when the tap was turned on.
Sounds like all these kids just want to learn how to brew,I bet they grow into wonderful kids!


Batz :ph34r:
I'm such a bad parent. When brew day comes, HWMBO packs up SWMBO and
they dissapear for the day! Good thing I don't brew very often.
My kids are older being 11 and 13 and girls, so they have no intention of helping in any way, but insist on getting IN the way. :rolleyes:
My kids are older being 11 and 13 and girls, so they have no intention of helping in any way, but insist on getting IN the way. :rolleyes:

I'm much the same with girls 10 and 14. They have zero interest in helping, even if offered pocket money.

14 did give me a birthday card with a child of 2 with a beer in hand saying 'a glass of beer at bedtime helps all the family get a good nights sleep'.... :lol:
It could have been worse, it could have full of beer ready for bottling

could've been MUCH worse, (s)he could have drank it, or plunged headfirst into it, or any of the other spontanous-snuffing scenarios kids could get into in a live brewery.

Lock up yer daughters, or lock up yer brewery :)
Hate to see what a 3 year old would do :huh:
I've got one if you want to borrow him....
You're all using your fermenters for the wrong thing. A 60L fermenter is about the right size for most kids up to 3-4 years old. Buy an extra one and come brew-day, place child in fermenter, screw-on lid, place in a cool place and then get brewing!!
(I'm still trying to find a picture of a child inside a fermenter to post, I don't actually have any kids of my own to try it out with and none of my friends ever ask me to baby-sit).

[This post is not meant to be serious, please don't actually do this]

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