Wheat / Braggot

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I don't care about the sugar though - it's alcoholic enough. All I want from it is that sour wheat flavour.

I think I've seen (can't seem to find it) some people use flour for the same reason, but I was thinking real wheat (since I can get it for free), home cracked, should do the job.

Sorry Tanga I didn't get what you were getting at. Maybe I should read prior posts next time.

My beers with raw wheat haven't been sour at all. (maybe i'm doing it wrong)

The only time I've heard of adding wheat (flour) like this (in the boil not mash) is to add a haze to the final product. JZ talks about it here

Any how don't let me talk you out of it. I say bash it with the hammer and chuck it in and see how it goes!
Hah - thanks for the encouragement. =)

So the flour is for haze? I'm not sure I want haze - the colour of this honey is superb - so I might leave the extra wheat out and just go with the extract and honey (and saaz). Thanks!
Well my ingredients are all measured out and the pot's on the stove. My final recipe is this:

1 tin of Morgan's Wheat
10g saaz (I decreased from 15g because there won't be the malt backbone there - it smelt wonderful in the extract though)
1kg honey

I'm going to boil 3L of water 300mL of the extract and add the saaz and boil for 10 minutes.
Cool to 80 degrees
Add honey and extract
Add mixture to fermenter and cool.
Add cool water to 22L (using some to rinse out the pot)

Cool to 26 degrees, add my hefeweizen yeast
Cool and try and ferment at about 21 degrees.

Sound cool?

EDIT: Too late now, because I'm using it, but the extract seems really dark for a wheat (about the same colour as the honey) and there are some floaty bits in it. I'm still using it, but was wondering if I should boil it all, since it seems a bit old.
just do it, it will be fine.
Not to self: Always use a hop sock. Always! That was way more painful than it needed to be. I ended up only doing it to 19L because of some wastage. Probably a little strong, but no hydrometer, so it'll have to do. It's nice and cool at least, and done - which is the best part. I can't wait until it starts getting jiggy.

I got most of the hops out - a few leaves might have snuck through. Will that affect the flavour too much? I'll probably rack on day 4 or 5 anyway (I want to reuse the yeast, and this is a good excuse).
i would of put them in as well.
Wow! Just cracked the first one.

It has that weizen flavour, the WLP400 is weizen all the way. But a bit lighter and more bubbles, which it really needs to balance the honey sweetness. I'm pretty impressed with myself. I'll see if I can upload a phone pic.

Edit: I can.


It took me a while, so the head's dropped, but you get the idea. There were a few people asking about wheat recently. Hope this helps.

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