A silly question maybe.....
I have always loved German wheat beers. But can someone please tell me the difference between hefe-weizen, heiferweizen, weissbier and a wit?
Depends on the origin of the beer as to what language is used to describe it, in German hefe means yeast and weizen means wheat, so hefeweizen is a wheat beer with yeast (unfiltered or with yeast) look on the label it may say mit hefe. Weisse is White so Weissbier is a white or very pale beer. Not too certain about the Belgian but a pretty sure wit means white.
Edit: Just in case your wondering also in German, Dunkel means dark and Doppel means double. Pretty sure thats dubbel in Belgian.
If you like wheat beers, make a 100% wheat.
Mash at about 64-65 and use the usual noble hop/s to about 20-25 IBU's.
Goes down like nectar on a hot summers day.
Wheat beers 'Hay'?
And in pidgin?
twopela = double
trukai=rice/wheat/ (olsem kai)
Did I miss any Screwy? (Numbawan wantok bilong mi)
Rabis, dispela pekpek bilong Batz mi no intres tumas. Ating witbia alsem lak susu bilong mami tru.
Lukim yu bihain.
Gose (of which I have attempted to make a version) from Berlin.