Wheat Beer

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I have a Morgans Golden Sheaf kit I am going to make up. I have a Brewcraft Kit Converter No.66 (I have no idea what it's make up is to enter into the Beer Designer) I think it must include a hop sachet reading the instructions. I also have 15gm of Cascade finishing hops (5.7%) and 11.5gm of Safbrew WB-06.

I had a rough guess of the makeup of the KC 66 and the Designer tells me I need another 500gm of sugars. Can anyone help here with perhaps the makeup of the Brewcraft KC 66? and also what extra sugar/malt should I use. I like a nice creamy head.

Should I add the extra Cascade hops? and if so how would you suggest I go about it. I have just received my temp controller for my fermenting fridge so I'm ready to go, so what temp for the WB-06?

Thanks in advance!
I'd just add a tin of coopers wheat malt to the kit if you can get it.

No more hops. Ferment @ 18 - 20C.

Cheers, Mat
I'd just add a tin of coopers wheat malt to the kit if you can get it.

No more hops. Ferment @ 18 - 20C.

Cheers, Mat

Ah well, here's what what happened. 5 litres of hot water with 1kg of Muntons dry wheat malt plus the Brewcraft KC No 66, boiled for 1 minute with the supplied hop satchel, 10 minute stand. Half of this into the fermenter with 10 litres of cold water. Morgans Golden Sheaf Wheat Beer kit disolved into the remainder in the boiler and then added to the fermenter. Topped up to 25 litres and cooled to 19C before pitching the WB06.

I'll hold it at 19C throughout the ferment. Fingers crossed.
Even better. What hops / amount, etc?

I haven't experimented with added hops yet, but have heard (and tasted) that late additions mask the isohopyness of kits and rounds the taste out, makes them better.

I have a can of that goo ready for my next batch, so please let me know how it turns out.
Even better. What hops / amount, etc?

I haven't experimented with added hops yet, but have heard (and tasted) that late additions mask the isohopyness of kits and rounds the taste out, makes them better.

I have a can of that goo ready for my next batch, so please let me know how it turns out.

The Brewcraft Kit Enhancer No. 66 comes with a large "teabag" with pelletised hops in it. I just used that. It doesn't say what it is but I imagine it is Saaz. I had to increase the ferment from 23lt to 25lt to get it all balanced okay and it came out at 5.6% ABV in the bottle which is a bit higher than I would like but hey, that's the breaks.

I'll let you know how it drinks.
The Brewcraft Kit Enhancer No. 66 comes with a large "teabag" with pelletised hops in it. I just used that. It doesn't say what it is but I imagine it is Saaz. I had to increase the ferment from 23lt to 25lt to get it all balanced okay and it came out at 5.6% ABV in the bottle which is a bit higher than I would like but hey, that's the breaks.

I'll let you know how it drinks.

Down to 1034 today (19th) and developing a nice clove taste and other fruity overtones appearing too but hard to put a name to them yet. Still bubbling away slowly.
Thanks for the update. I'm putting mine down tomorrow (though I've decided to do a braggot because I can't get decent malt up here). Is that with the kit yeast?
Thanks for the update. I'm putting mine down tomorrow (though I've decided to do a braggot because I can't get decent malt up here). Is that with the kit yeast?

No. Using Fermentis WB06 and at 18 - 19C
No. Using Fermentis WB06 and at 18 - 19C

I might have a crack at a braggot myself later. We get some real nice honey here when the wild flowers are in bloom. I'd be interested in
knowing the outcome of yours.
I'll let you know. I'll even send you a bottle if it works out. =)
A week in the fermenter now and it's down to 1025. Thought it would have been lower than that by now. Still it is still working, albeit rather slowly. I'm going to run out of beer howver if it doesn't get a move on. :(