Whats The Worst Beer You've Ever Tried?

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I thought i'd try a Tui while here in Auckland on holidays (hopefully not extended due to ash cloud) and it had the aroma of bad kit brew, i tipped it down the sink.
MB's latest offering, to gutless to be a stout, to black to be an old with a dash of really bad confectionary flavouring that fits into the rest of the beers profile like a turd in a pool.
A tipper for sure.

+1. I tried one last night and it smelled like a bad lolly shop.

I had a mate buy a 6 pack of these last week from Dans. he rang me up to ask me what it should taste like. i went over and it was just horridly lactic sour, unpourable undrinkable. Hard to convince people the merits of craft beer, and when they spend 20 dollars on a 6 pack, they get something that the drain probably would not accept.

anyway Brett in summary, redoak do great beers, go try them at the source. the offerings at the retail outlets are notoriously bad, and ill never risk it again.

Well I think Redoak are going to be exhibiting at the Perth Royal Beer Show so hopefully I'll get to sample their brews as they should be, and also talk to the brewer/s.

You would think they'd have quality control in place to stop these bad batches making it to the consumer. It screams bad business to me, and a great way to lose customers.

Thanks for the response Joshua.
Personally I cannot comment, but coming from you, and several other sources, they sound like they messed up what was an "acceptable stout" from last season.

I actually thought its pretty good, its very strong on the spices, and not quite the body it had last year, but still quite good
Back in NZ, after a party some years ago, a lone can of Lion Red was found unopened during the cleanup.
It was slightly dented and for some reason survived intact on the mantelpiece after the next party. It became a bit of an icon at our shared house and sat there gathering dust for a good 2 years. The can slowly faded and turned pink and when you shook it, it made a kind of weird sloshing, plopping sound.

One day, after another bender, I discovered it opened and 80% drunk. The remaining dregs smelled rather rank and though I never tasted it myself to see how bad it was, I can imagine it was bloody foul.
Never found out who drank it though...

Personally, I had bottle of duchesse de bourgogne once, but was totally unprepared for the taste and turfed it. Found out much much later that it was actually supposed to taste like that :)
VB would be the worst ever,, with xxxx a close second. Though years ago i bought a six pack of redback original fro a country pub, as soon as i popped the top i could smell it was off, then to drink was way out of the question...........boomer big time !
For me the worst beer I've ever tried would be Yeastie Boys Rex-Atitude about a month ago here in NZ. Yeastie Boys is a good craft brewer in NZ with some really nice Beers, however this one was awful.

Its made from 100% peated malt...(apparently brewers advise to never use more than 5-10% peated malt so they decided to go with 100%.

They said it couldnt be done, that it would be undrinkable, that we couldnt use more than 5% heavy peated malt in a beer. So we carefully considered their advice and decided to try 100% instead. Rex Attitude is inspired by French techno and the whisky of Scotlands west coast. Like the Auld Alliance it combines a little Scottish rogue with a dose of French je ne sais quoi. It is, as far as we know, the worlds first beer made from 100% heavy peated distilling malt.

The smell from the glass as the Bar tender poured it for me and my old man was extremely strong smokey peat smell. Drawing it to your lips it got stronger. It tasted as it smelt. I looked at the old man and he looked bloody disappointed in my selection (always keen to try a new Beer).

Hard to describe the taste out side of extremely peaty/smoke/rank/rotting something or another.

I managed to slowly get through the glass, while the old man skulled the entire thing, hoping not to taste it.

Had to wash it down with some Hoppy ales to try and remove the taste from my mouth.

Kept burping up the taste all night and even the following day.

anyone else tried it???
That friggin Mildura Chocolate draino. My only sink christening. Woeful!!

Followed by MB licorice stout & Feral white.......these to are down to personal choice though.

Side note...can anyone tell me what style of sipper is Yeastie Boys Hud-da-wa........amazing.
Worst beer ever? Corona. I had to lick a dog's arse to get the taste out of my mouth.
Feral white.

Me too. Odd Feral win awards all over the place, and that beer is supposed to be amazing, but every time I have had it, it has been terrible. Could be a Dan Murphy's thing though
Me too. Odd Feral win awards all over the place, and that beer is supposed to be amazing, but every time I have had it, it has been terrible. Could be a Dan Murphy's thing though

Do you like wheat beers? I not up to trying another due to the taste of the White
Feral Hop Hog is ******* amazing though.
I love wheat beers, especially German ones. Franziskanner Hefeweizen is a great love of mine. Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier, Is brilliant also
I have not had an American Wheat I would recommend to a friend though.

Technically speaking Feral White is a Witbier, so you should really try a german wheat if you have not had it. Also I love Witbiers, and despite not liking Feral White I think Hoegaarden is one of the best and certainly the most approachable beer in the world. It has been a gateway beer for many.

Good luck with the future beer hunting and don't give up on Wheat and Wit beers just yet.
For me the worst beer I've ever tried would be Yeastie Boys Rex-Atitude about a month ago here in NZ. Yeastie Boys is a good craft brewer in NZ with some really nice Beers, however this one was awful.

Its made from 100% peated malt...(apparently brewers advise to never use more than 5-10% peated malt so they decided to go with 100%.

They said it couldnt be done, that it would be undrinkable, that we couldnt use more than 5% heavy peated malt in a beer. So we carefully considered their advice and decided to try 100% instead. Rex Attitude is inspired by French techno and the whisky of Scotlands west coast. Like the Auld Alliance it combines a little Scottish rogue with a dose of French je ne sais quoi. It is, as far as we know, the worlds first beer made from 100% heavy peated distilling malt.

The smell from the glass as the Bar tender poured it for me and my old man was extremely strong smokey peat smell. Drawing it to your lips it got stronger. It tasted as it smelt. I looked at the old man and he looked bloody disappointed in my selection (always keen to try a new Beer).

Hard to describe the taste out side of extremely peaty/smoke/rank/rotting something or another.

I managed to slowly get through the glass, while the old man skulled the entire thing, hoping not to taste it.

Had to wash it down with some Hoppy ales to try and remove the taste from my mouth.

Kept burping up the taste all night and even the following day.

anyone else tried it???
I've tried it.
This is the relevant part of the commercial description:

"They said it couldnt be done, that it would be undrinkable"

It was awful. My wife took one sip. I drank a few out of sheer stubborness then tipped the rest.

A club member up here was about 5 years ahead of them. He made one, admittedly from memory it was only 90/95% peated malt. He then spent the next few years (it might not have been quite that long, poetic licence and all that) trying to get rid of it at meetings, foisting it on unsuspecting newbies :)
It was also awful.
Barry Roberts' dry stout in Westgate 2011. Ha ha. No it wasn't too bad really. 2nd place...
For me the worst beer I've ever tried would be Yeastie Boys Rex-Atitude about a month ago here in NZ. Yeastie Boys is a good craft brewer in NZ with some really nice Beers, however this one was awful.

Its made from 100% peated malt...(apparently brewers advise to never use more than 5-10% peated malt so they decided to go with 100%.

They said it couldnt be done, that it would be undrinkable, that we couldnt use more than 5% heavy peated malt in a beer. So we carefully considered their advice and decided to try 100% instead. Rex Attitude is inspired by French techno and the whisky of Scotlands west coast. Like the Auld Alliance it combines a little Scottish rogue with a dose of French je ne sais quoi. It is, as far as we know, the worlds first beer made from 100% heavy peated distilling malt.

The smell from the glass as the Bar tender poured it for me and my old man was extremely strong smokey peat smell. Drawing it to your lips it got stronger. It tasted as it smelt. I looked at the old man and he looked bloody disappointed in my selection (always keen to try a new Beer).

Hard to describe the taste out side of extremely peaty/smoke/rank/rotting something or another.

I managed to slowly get through the glass, while the old man skulled the entire thing, hoping not to taste it.

Had to wash it down with some Hoppy ales to try and remove the taste from my mouth.

Kept burping up the taste all night and even the following day.

anyone else tried it???

I quite liked it, though my GF didn't enjoy the smell and refused to taste it. I do enjoy laphroaig though, so maybe that's the key..
I thought i'd try a Tui while here in Auckland on holidays (hopefully not extended due to ash cloud) and it had the aroma of bad kit brew, i tipped it down the sink.

I had a Tui last time i was there and i distinctly remember enjoying it... Not sure if that's cos i hadn't had a beer for a few weeks though...
I didnt think Corona had taste to start with?

Went to Gravity Guru's brew day a couple of years ago - Winkle was there and could vouch. A couple of Mrs GG's office mates came along for a look and brought a six pack each. One of them really graced the gathering by bringing a six of Corona. The others, wisely, brought the likes of Little Creatures or JS. Now after a few hours drinking home brew samples from various AHB members including Winkle's all Galaxy Blonde Ale (it was around the time that Galaxy hit the scene) Winkle and I tried a bottle of Corona each. It was actually quite cleansing and we both agreed that you could pick a definite Malt backbone, amazingly.

I had to buy a six pack a couple of years ago to get some empty bottles and to be honest it was a nicely refreshing lawnmower. However sitting here in the winter without a particularly raging thirst I couldn't come at one. And as for XXXX Summer Bright or Great Northern Brewer from Carlton I couldn't come at either of those under any circumstances, after trying a few test bottles.

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