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hwall95 said:
Golden Ale, with Amarillo and cascade. 1042 -> 1010. Great Saturday afternoon beer. Good level of grapefruit and bitter orange
Forgot the photo..

Benchmarking my homebrewed #thepourreport Single Tap IPA (with modified hopping, basically a freezer clean out) with one of Australia's best commercial examples @batchbrewingcompany West Coast IPA. Mine has a whole bunch of new world hop character as apposed to the lovely classic pine/grapefruit of the Batch beer. Both are dry as a dead dingoes donga, not a caramel malt to be seen. I still love the older style crystal heavy IPA's but the drier style really accentuates the hops

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After a Hargreaves's Hill ESB today, I've cracked my ESB keg that was filled, well, only yesterday.

Must have perfected my force carb method, bang on what was required.


Wasn't meant to be a clone, but it is very similar. Mine is a bit maltier than HH's, yeast aroma more pronounced... Color is a lot browner than photo suggests. Anyone know what yeast they use for their ESB?
Force carbed bottle of my Hefe I've got in the fermentor. Normally brew with 3638 rather than 3068 but it still turned out not too shabby. Been trying out late Hallertau Blanc which adds a nice touch

Probably only pitched 6 days ago but it finished up in a day or two at 17/20. Will keg it next weekend
hwall95 said:
Force carbed bottle of my Hefe I've got in the fermentor. Normally brew with 3638 rather than 3068 but it still turned out not too shabby. Been trying out late Hallertau Blanc which adds a nice touch

Probably only pitched 6 days ago but it finished up in a day or two at 17/20. Will keg it next weekend
Argh did it again...

Heady topper clone with our very own "I'll brew with you - Madhu".

OG/FG of 1.075/1.014
Off the chart IBU's, 60min addition was 105 IBU but there was still a 9g/L whirlpool addition at 80°C, 9g/L dry hop, and a 2g/L keg hop addition to go.

Safe to say, with this much late/dry hops, you could leave this beer to clear for as long as you like, but it will still come out the same.

Fecking delicious, keg hops are now shining through. Citrus, pine, apricot and lychee. No idea what the actual tastes like... at the moment don't care. Big ups to the brew dude, and to the folks on HBT for coming up with the recipe we used.

mofox1 said:
Got a giggle out of the name, but I got a need to know more.

Belgian White IPA style... I used MJ's Belgian Wit yeast repitched. Very nice hoppy, easy drinking wheat beer IPA thing.
Hints of bubble gum....

Recipe: White Trash IPA II
Brewer: Grumpy
Style: American IPA

Recipe Specifications

Batch Size (fermenter): 23.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.055 SG
Estimated Color: 6.6 EBC
Estimated IBU: 57.8 IBUs


2.50 kg Pale Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.9 EBC) Grain 4 45.5 %
2.50 kg Wheat Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.0 EBC) Grain 5 45.5 %
0.50 kg Rye Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 6 9.1 %
20.00 g Chinook [12.70 %] - First Wort 60.0 min Hop 7 27.5 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 8 -
40.00 g Brooklyn [17.10 %] - Steep/Whirlpool 20 Hop 9 20.4 IBUs
40.00 g Hallertau Blanc [8.30 %] - Steep/Whirlpo Hop 10 9.9 IBUs
50.00 g Brooklyn [17.10 %] - Dry Hop 0.0 Days Hop 11 0.0 IBUs


Biere De Garde.
My last.


Malty caramel goodness.
No hop flavour, low bitterness. Some yeast character. Big alcohol content with no alcohol taste.
Approx 9.5%.
Denobrew said:
Hey Bevan, Can you tell me your mash temperature and schedule you used? I couldn't find it on the recipe db, or scrolling through the comments. Thanks in advance. Cheers Tim

Edit: spelling
Sorry for not replying to this, only just found your question.

Recipe as follows

Batch size 21L
Water volume started with 35.1L
No Chill

Briefs Pale Ale Malt 3.5kg
JW Wheat Malt 0.8kg
JW Light Munich Malt 0.1kg
BL Flaked Wheat 0.2kg

Mash at 66 deg C for 60 min
Mash out at 76 deg C for 10 min
90 min boil (I use gas supplemented with a stick elemnet that failed during the initial mash temp. The gas got it to a boil but couldn't maintain a rolling boil. Was going to be a 60 min boil. After a 90 min boil I ended up with 23L into the fermenter and a lower OG 1036.)

Galaxy 15 grams FWH (in after mash out)
Galaxy 10 grams 20 min
Galaxy 10 grams 5 min
Galaxy 35 grams DH into fermenter at start of ferment
Galaxy 40 grams DH into fermenter and crash chilled at 6 days (end of ferment)

1/2 Whirlfloc tablet at 5 min

Safale US-05 (rehydrated as per its instructions)
OG 1046 (I got 1036)
FG 1007 (after 5 days)

Was a great learning curve dealing with problems during the brew. Will definitely do this one again, it tastes fantastic. I'm going to fit an element to the bottom of my keg so I can get a nice rolling boil. Where I brew I'm getting too much of breeze which effects the gas burner.

Hope that all makes sense.
Happy brewing!
thanks to Melbourne Brewers and everyone associated with helping Beerfest 2016, thanks to Brendan for posting out the award which I received today! It sits proudly on my kegerator but will move between there and the mantle-piece...

cheers all!

Russian Imperial Stout, barrel aged in Bourbon (still very strong Bourbon flavour but hopefully will back off in time or some will be blended next time it's entered in a comp)
Eldorado Ale

4.5% and 20ibu

75% pils
15% Vienna
10% oats

Mashed 65c

Eldorado @60m = 10ibh
Citra/Centennial @10m = 10ibu

Us 05 @ 18c and then dry hopped with 2.5g/L of Eldorado


way to early to be drinking but i can't help myself - delayed gratification my arse...

Yob's Raspberry RIS.

Head quickly dissipated to a thin but persistent crema.

Really nice aroma of Raspberry and bitter chocolate. Tastes the same, but with a nice tartness too, more than I would've expected. A bit of alcohol warmth, but not much (this is a bit too cold from the fridge though).
Body is just about right, not too full. I suspect the tart fruit would help slice through residual sweetness and body.
Roastiness is very nice at the end and emerges out of the raspberry pretty seamlessly.
And a free carb cap with every purchase ! Bargain !

And there's the alcohol....hot in here all of a sudden, time to turn the heater off.

Top beer, cheers !

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Farmhouse ale 8% , it's a nice comfort comfort food style beer
Just want to relax after it

Wonder how it would go with some Brett in a secondary
American Amber ale
Balanced water

76% pale ale malt
12% light Munich
6% med crystal
6% dark caramel


Fwh chinook & simcoe
10m chinook & simcoe 50/50 .5g/l
0m chinook & simcoe 50/50 .5g/l

Wy 1272/us ale 2 @ 19c


Medium Malty caramel flavour up front, followed by mild nuttiness that smooths out to a mild spicy ever so slightly fruity finish. Quick jab of short lived bitterness in there somewhere.

I would make a **** beer writer, took me 15 sips to come up with that lol!ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1460720074.826602.jpg