Whats In The Glass Pics

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PhOUR Shades of Stout. Never a PhINER PhAT 'twas had. :icon_cheers:


Warren -


Tell me that's not you naked in the reflection of your stout :blink: !


... giving a whole new meaning to having a PhINE PhAT :blink: !!!

(sorry had to do it :p )


Tell me that's not you naked in the reflection of your stout :blink: !

... giving a whole new meaning to having a PhINE PhAT :blink: !!!

(sorry had to do it )


I saw this too but thought.......... naaaaaa who would stand in the nude and take pics of there beer...... outdoors

Then i remembered Squire was a member here so anything was posible :p

please tell us you were wearing tan budgy smugglers...... please ;)
Mmmm hopefully not a new trend emerging in beer shots.Looking like bubbles hide things. :eek:

Big D
:lol: :lol: Had to get the PhAT from somewhere. :p

Modesty dictates its most likely one of my hands.

Warren -
Censored version -

well what do you know An AHB PhAT :D

In our dreams :(


Gerards FWK October fest 9 days in bottle.
Took 1 out to check carb levels.
This was last the last one I bottled.

I did add 1kgs of Light malt extract and topped up to 25 litre.
drunk on one tally hehehe.
Gonna be a beaut
Happoshu! ..... 40% Rice Lager

Looks the goods Asher :icon_drunk: but how does it taste with that much rice? I imagine it is very dry and crisp with the hops stabbing you in the tongue... Mmmm stabbing :icon_drool2:
Got a definite rice/grainy flavour. Not so much dry as silky in a milky kinda way... It's really hard to describe... You know how wheat beer has a wheaty taste from all that wheat, well this has a ricy taste from all that rice. :blink:

Hopped with Saaz D - not sure if I'm a fan of this hop to tell you the truth...
And this is my AG stout. It was second stout I did. I should have stored it a bit more, but it was too tasty not to touch it! ;)



here what ive been in to its a dark lager
an aus bitter
20g nelsin sauvin @ 20 mins
13g aus pride dry hop in keg

very yummy :D

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