View attachment 39126
One I didn't buy... :blink:
$173 for TNP...farrrrk!
I just spent $160 for a cube of Murrays Wild Thing and it hurt, alot.
The beer beside it (Dark Island Reserve) is bloody good value in comparison!

Brewdog Tokyo*
Everything about this beer is up my alley; Imperial stout - check, Oak aged - check, 18.2%alc/vol - check and thensome!
Remarkably smooth considering that mammoth abv. Sure, it lets you know who's boss, but the shear depth of flavour is tremendous. And unlike that last beer I tried at this "fortified wine" strength end of the spectrum, Mikkeller Black, I think mere mortals may actually be able to consume this without falling into a quivering heap in the corner...though I've been proven wrong before.

Murrays Heart of Darkness
Out at the brewery today for a "Dark Beer Masterclass", and the release of this fine imperial stout.
A bit different from your run of the mill Imp. Stout; plenty of roasted coffee and bitter chocolate, yeah, but some subtle undertones of green banana and clove spiciness come through, particularly with some warmth. Snagged a growler of the stuff and bottled it into a few stubbies...I think 1.89L of 9.6% beer in one sitting may cause me brain damage, particularly with something so drinkable!