Dropped in for a 4-Pack of WE Pale this arvo, and the manager suggested replacing a couple with a beer he just got in. So I've been comntemplating the lovely flavours of
Barossa Valley Brewery Organic Ale. I'm not much for reviews, but here goes -
it pours a nice head with lingering lacework down the glass and is quite cloudy for a commercial beer. The aroma fragrance is reminiscent of the Enterprise Brewery's Nelson Sauvin offering, with fruity aromas, which I might say is slightly peachy perhaps with some pineapple. This follows through with the flavour components, which are balanced nicely, but I can't say what sort of hop combination they use, perhaps a bit of NS with some Cascade and (maybe) Amarillo, although not as intensly recognisable as other Amarillo beers on the market. Would definatly file it in the "New American Style". Maltiness is present in the medium body, which also makes me think they're going for the US trend in several craft brews these days.
There's a lingering bitterness that I'm not a fan of, but despite that, the overall bitttering is pretty good, and what I like in a beer. I suppose that the best reccomendation I can give is that if asked whether I would buy it again, the answer would be HELL YES. Well worth a look in if you want to see what some of the smaller labels are doing in Australia. It was said to me by the bottle shop guy that this is a recipe that's been given over to a large 'brew to order' outfit to produce, but their website suggests otherwise, so who knows where it's done.