I had this earlier on the night we met up on my recent Melbourne visit and I'd also rate it very highly. Got a great flavour and aroma but very nicely balanced.North Coast - Acme IPA
No description needed but for those playing at home. Awesome hop aroma, balanced bitterness and sweet malt in the finish. I could drink this for hours.
I joined the growler club down at Thunder Road Brewing Company. For $25 you get the growler the cossie and of course the beer. Refills are cheap with three great beers from a new microbrewery. No affiliation, just GREAT beer.
This is the Montgomerie's Pale Ale. It's a big banger at 5.9%. Taste's delicous, smooth and very easy drinking.
Lagunitas Dogtown Pale Ale - very, very nice.
I've had a couple I found equally confused and confusing (their WTF springs to mind, can't recall the other) but even then it is because they are trying to be different which gets my respect, for sure. Really interesting brewery. They aren't far from where I am staying next week and there's a small chance I might be able to get out there. Probably hitting up Firestone Walker this week though.Very underrated brewery overall, IMO. Haven't had a bad beer from them.
Adryargument - let it sit for a while first. Maybe until the weekend or longer? Mine was turbid and full of floaties despite 36 hours in the fridge after transporting and careful pouring. Hop debris? I really wish I'd let it settle longer, given it was almost $18 for a stubbie...
Either way, it has an awesome aroma, even though I found the taste a bit OTT bitter.
Difficult to know when to drink a monster like that. If you have it at the start of the evening you won't taste anything afterwards. If you leave it until last your palette may already be jaded... Maybe it's one to have mid-week, all on it's own.