On tap in this order: Swan Draught, Pale Ale (Coopers), Bees Knees, Fat Yak. Still love a cold Swan Draught (even if it's made in an inferior state now

), but Emu Bitter tastes as though it has already been drunk and then regurgitated back into the can. Horrid stuff.
Stubbies: Pale Ale, JS Sundown, Fat Yak, Swan Draught, and if it's free, anything that's not VB or XXXX.
I do enjoy a good red (doesn't have to be pricey) and am starting to enjoy a reisling after a recent trip to WA's Great Southern Region. But unfortunately, most pubs in Perth are owned by Woolies and Coles, so you can't get the decent cheaper wines by the glass. Just their megaswill wine equivalent. Makes it handy though when you are going to the pub, it's easy telling Wifey that you're going up to Woolies for an hour, and does she want anything?
As others have said, you can drink anything on a hot day with decent company.