What you drink when you can't drink what you want to drink,

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Guinness, Tooheys Old, XXXX (heavy)
Good Pub - Heineken, CPA or Guinness
Bad Pub (or big night) - Tooheys Extra Dry, Corona
Drinking In Cronulla for a massive night - Carlton Draught until 11pm and then JD and Coke until we get kicked out of Northies :lol:
Coopers, because I like supporting independant companies.

Tooheys Old when I'm in NSW, or at my inlaws. I quite like the malty brown flavour.

In Melbourne... well, almost every pub has some "different" beer, even if it's brewed by a happy subsiduary of Evil Global Mega Corp. Inc.

My CUB preference has always been MB > VB > Draught. Which always draws a queer look from mega swill drinkers. I mean, when was the last time you saw an ad for Melbourne Bitter?

Crown falls somewhere between VB and Draught.
I have a real soft spot for Melbourne bitter and coopers pale and sparkling.
My local, has its own "House Beer" made by CUB. Queensberry Hotel on corner of Queensberry and Swanston Street now has QB Draught. I'd never heard of a house beer from CUB before!
Econwatson said:
My local, has its own "House Beer" made by CUB. Queensberry Hotel on corner of Queensberry and Swanston Street now has QB Draught. I'd never heard of a house beer from CUB before!
My local had its own beer made for about 3 weeks, Boathouse Blonde, had too much flavour for the usual crowd I think and got bumped for Hahn Super Dry 3.5
If I was ever "too poor" for a decent beer, I wouldn't be in the pub.

If in a pub that had no decent beer, I drink Old.

I will drink most mega-swill beers if standing around a hot BBQ on a hot day and the beer is served ice-cold (and free).

I always ask what beer is available when making a reservation at a restaurant. If they state they sell "Premium Imported" beers - all of which are brewed under license in Australia - I tell them my party of twelve would rather not dine at an establishment that misleads its patrons.

Beer Snob? You betcha!
Generally anything low carb.
I figure that having no taste is better than the ****** taste you get from other mega swills.
Cocko said:
True story: Went to Carlton V Crows last weekend at the G and they were serving full strength beers - one of which was Fat Yak! - we were over the moon with that..

Same here! I hadn't been to the footy in years & was told I'd have to put up with mid strength megaswill. I get to the G & they've got Fat Yak! I was a very happy camper
On tap in this order: Swan Draught, Pale Ale (Coopers), Bees Knees, Fat Yak. Still love a cold Swan Draught (even if it's made in an inferior state now :p ), but Emu Bitter tastes as though it has already been drunk and then regurgitated back into the can. Horrid stuff.
Stubbies: Pale Ale, JS Sundown, Fat Yak, Swan Draught, and if it's free, anything that's not VB or XXXX.

I do enjoy a good red (doesn't have to be pricey) and am starting to enjoy a reisling after a recent trip to WA's Great Southern Region. But unfortunately, most pubs in Perth are owned by Woolies and Coles, so you can't get the decent cheaper wines by the glass. Just their megaswill wine equivalent. Makes it handy though when you are going to the pub, it's easy telling Wifey that you're going up to Woolies for an hour, and does she want anything?

As others have said, you can drink anything on a hot day with decent company.
I find that a lot of the places specialising in crap draught beer have at least a James Squire on tap these days, but I went off the golden ale after getting a ****** metallic taste in it at three different pubs (including JS's own brewpub).

Now it's Coopers, if that's not there then I consider whether the urge to get drunk outweighs my aversion to **** beer and make a decision accordingly. Carlton Draught and Toohey's Extra Dry are no-go zones though.
It's all very well to say "if the beer is **** I'll have wine instead", but the reality is, if it's a pub with **** beer, it's a pub with **** wine too.
I'm a dedicated drink at home type. So if my beer runs out, it'll be whatever looks good at Dan's for $40-50ish, generally try to grab a carton of something I haven't tried before. Last time it was a 12pack of Vale IPA.

Pubs? When the Mrs and I do get someone to look after the kids, I'll try whatever is on tap, including ciders.

So I can't really decide if I'm adventurous or just after anything with an ABV rating of 4+.....
Econwatson said:
I've been doing some reading about how Australians are offended at the world's impression of Australians as the Fosters swilling, Mick Dundee types, and coming from a country with strong stereotypes (Scotland) I can see where they are coming from, these ads certainly don't help to dampen the stereotypes! I find it very interesting
Yep, OT, but there could be a LOT worse stereotypes. We're largely seen as easy going, fun loving, manly men... in my travels, this has been a good thing.
krausenhaus said:
I find that a lot of the places specialising in crap draught beer have at least a James Squire on tap these days, but I went off the golden ale after getting a ****** metallic taste in it at three different pubs (including JS's own brewpub).
That's a common fault that I've experienced, often with Squire's. Wouldn't rate Squire's beers at all these days.
Was at a client's yesterday afternoon around "drinks time". With knowledge of my beer snobbery, they sent someone out to Vintage Cellars in Westfield to purchase a sixer of craft beer for moi. I was aghast when they presented an attendant's recommended pack of "Steam Rail" (Coles' own brand brewed under license by a mega-swill brewery) Amber Ale.
I was doubly aghast when I enjoyed the first, second and third bottle! I still cannot believe it is actually not too bad a drop. Nice and malty and finishes medium dry. Just what I needed to quench my thirst and wash down the salty canapés.
I took a bottle home and plan to drink it later today to see if it still stands up, for it may have been my thirst, the canapés, what I had for lunch or even my state of mind at the time.

(Forgive me Father for I have sinned....)
Little creatures > Coopers pale > JS 150 lashes > New > XXXX Gold
"Nah, thanks. I'm driving."