What Yeast?

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hi guys,

i am about to brew, an am wondering what yeast would be best - i have three, a wyeast 2001 urquel pilsner, safale s04, or the tooheys special lager kit yeast...actually i also have a coopers kit yeast for dark ale and a coles kit yeast but dont think ill use either of those.

im making this:

1.7kg Tooheys special lager kit
1kg coopers brewing sugar
20g citra hops at 20 mins
10g citra hops at 10 mins

at the moment im leaning towards the 2001 because ive been reading about s04 giving bubblegum flavours, and i dont think ill be able to keep the temperatures low enought to ensure i dont get them.

any thoughts?
Given that Wy2001 is actually a lager yeast and should be feremented between 9-14C, and you are worried about keeping the temperatures 'low enough' for S04 (15-24C recommended), I'm can't imagine you'll get 'cleaner' results from the Wy2001 at higher temps. If you can't keep the temps down, I'd be more likely to use the Safale yeast.

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